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American Indian Movement of Colorado

Spirituality • Self-determination • Solidarity • Sobriety
Colorado AIM home page

Friday, March 31, 2006

Native Students/ACLU Sue Racist South Dakota Schools

ACLU Fights to End Discriminatory Prosecution of Native American Students (3/28/2006)
National “School-to-Prison-Pipeline” Trend Exemplified in South Dakota

SIOUX FALLS, SD – The American Civil Liberties Union today filed a class action lawsuit in federal court against the Winner School District in South Dakota, charging that the District maintains an environment hostile to Native Americans by, among other things, disciplining Native American students more harshly than Caucasians and by forcing them to sign “confessions” for minor rule- breaking, which often leads to juvenile court convictions.

“The treatment received by Native American students in Winner and throughout the region is completely different than that of their white counterparts,” said Jennifer Ring, Executive Director of the ACLU of the Dakotas. “These experiences demonstrate the reasons why Native American children so often fail to reach graduation -- hostility of peers, discrimination of school officials and knee-jerk police involvement.”

ACLU national staff attorney Catherine Kim said the problems in Winner are part of a nationwide trend of “get tough” policies on school misconduct, which lead to increases in suspensions for trivial conduct and the use of law enforcement to handle minor school discipline. According to Kim, research consistently shows that students of color are far more likely than Caucasian students to feel the brunt of this trend, which advocates refer to as the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

More information is available at: www.aclu.org/crimjustice/juv/schooltoprisonpipeline.html

Winona LaDuke-which energy path?

From Indian Country Today
LaDuke: Three Affiliated Tribes at a crossroads: Which energy path?
Posted: March 31, 2006
by: Winona LaDuke

Tex Hall is eager to bring a synfuels refinery and other tribal energy resources into the market. ''The tribe is concerned about delays ... We really want to work with our senators and kick-start the regulatory and funding process to get the new Indian energy programs under way,'' Hall explained at an early October meeting with the Crow and Fort Peck tribes. At the meeting, Hall proposed the northern tribes consider a strategic formal alliance on energy and economic development. ''Our tribes are rich in energy resources,'' he said.

Wes Martel, a former tribal council member of the Wind River reservation, echoed his sentiments. ''We're here to support Tex's tribal economic alliance,'' he said, adding that tribes can't depend on federal agencies.

At stake is a flagship project at Three Affiliated Tribes and, potentially, a large number of other projects in the region as tribes grapple with options from the fossil fuel or the renewable energy economy. The proposed $80 million Makoti synfuels oil refinery will be sited on the Fort Berthold Reservation, employing some 300 construction workers and providing 80 full time jobs. The tribe has approved a lease for this land, as well as 200 acres to oil companies. The draft environmental impact study was released just this past month.

Regionally, Bill Kitto, BIA superintendent at Fort Berthold, is lauding a minerals study reporting l to l.5 billion tons of coal on the reservation, with an estimated 560 tons of coal in the White Shield community alone. At the other end of the energy spectrum, Fort Berthold has some of the best wind energy potential of any location in the world, with an estimated 17,000 times more wind power available than can be used on the reservation.

Arguably one of the most powerful Indians in North America, Hall's past leadership at the National Congress of American Indians means that the Mandan/Hidatsa/Arikara tribal chairman's choice to focus most on a conventional fossil-fuel path on energy issues sends a message. It also illustrates the complex challenges of tribal governments, and worries many of his tribal members. complete perspective

Thursday, March 30, 2006

CONAIE sends solidarity letter to Flagstaff marchers

Ecuadoran Solidarity with the March for Sacred Sites
by nm Sunday March 26, 2006 at 02:53 PM

The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon salutes your struggle to defend the rights of the Indigenous Peoples of America and the world.
Message: To the March for Sacred Sites and in Defense of Human Rights - Flagstaff,Arizona
March 25, 2006

From: The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador- CONAIE - Quito, Ecuador
March 25th, 2006

Dear Relatives and Friends of Flagstaff, Arizona,

The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon salutes your struggle to defend the rights of the Indigenous Peoples of America and the world.

Here in our country for the past 15 days we have been implementing a Mobilization in the Defense of Life throughout the country in order to defend our future as Indigenous Peoples and for the peoples of Ecuador as a whole. We are in opposition to the signing of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) in the absence of prior consultation with our Pueblos, demanding as well the termination of the contract with Oxy Petroleum, and have called for the Convocation of a National Assembly of Constituents.

Our struggle is not only for the rights of Indigenous Peoples but extends to all living beings on the planet.

For this reason we support your struggle to defend the Sacred Sites of the Indigenous Peoples, defending the waterfalls, the rivers, and the
entire biodiversity that has as expression in human terms the relationship of harmony of society and mother nature (Pacha Mama). From these principles we develop our education, our systems of cultivation, our organizational networks, our own systems of justice, and our identity. An Indian without territory does not know who he is.

In this manner the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador - CONAIE defends our territories in the three regions of our country. At this moment we are being invaded by the giant multinational corporations, monsters of mining, lumber extraction, including Environmental Non-governmental Organizations (NGO's) who attack our territories of the Amazon, of the highlands, and of the coast.

We are the victims of the consequences of 30 years of petroleum extraction in our country. In the provinces where the exploitation is most severe, out of every three children, two are malnourished, and our communities experience serious health issues such as skin cancer. We suffer from nicosia, anemia, tuberculosis etc.

The majority of our water ways are contaminated by the petroleum discharges into our rivers and streams. It is not true either that these multinational companies create jobs or employment. Reality is that 17% of Ecuadorians live outside of the country seeking employment; it is these individuals who through remesas of capital back to Ecuador are in actuality sustaining the country economically. In Ecuador, 80% of the population lives under the pall of poverty.

And now with the signing of the Free Trade Agreement, this situation stands to be massively compounded across Ecuador, and so we have
determined to respond in the struggle of our Peoples. We once again unite to defend ourselves. It does not matter whether it is in Flagstaff, Arizona or in Ecuador - it is the same struggle with the same objective - to defend the right of life with dignity for all of the Indigenous Peoples.

Adelante! Tayecana! Forward !

One thought, one hand, one heart. - Un solo Corazón, Una sola mano, Un solo pensamiento.

Rafael Pandan
Director of International Relations - CONAIE
Governing Council of CONAIE

Translation : TONATIERRA http://www.tonatierra.org

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Colorado AIM joins forces with "Save the Peaks" to March for Respect for Indigenous Spiritual Freedom

On Saturday, March 25, 2006, members of Colorado AIM joined with members of the Save The Peaks Coalition, and Youth of the Peaks, to march in Flagstaff, AZ for spiritual freedom for indigenous peoples. The march was also joined by hundreds of participants from the National MeCHA Chicano student's convention, held at Northern Arizona University. March organizers estimated that 1200-1500 people participated in the rally that protested the continuing desecration of indigenous peoples' sacred sites in northern Arizona. Of particular concern is the operation of the Snow Bowl Ski area, near Flagstaff, that denigrates sacred mountains, known in english as the San Francisco Peaks.The ongoing efforts of Save the Peaks are discussed here.

Saturday's rally brought together people from as far away as California, Alaska, Colorado and Mexico. For a more detailed report,check out Arizona Indy Media here:
AZ Indy Media

Members of Colorado AIM had a great time working with native youth from across the Southwest. The energy and organization of Save the Peaks/Youth of the Peaks was an inspiration to our own organizing efforts. We were able to inform other indigenous activists of the upcoming actions in Denver against Newmont Mining on April 25th Stop Newmont action, and we look forward to working in alliance on issues of indigenous peoples' liberation in the future.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Bear Butte is sacred

From the LA Times.
Beer, broads, bikers -- and the Great Spirit
By Peter Nabokov, Peter Nabokov teaches at UCLA and is the author of "Where the Lightning Strikes: The Lives of American Indian Sacred Places."
March 26, 2006

JUST EAST OF THE hogback ridge that encircles the Black Hills of South Dakota rises the irregular profile of Bear Butte, a 4,426-foot-high cross between a hill and a mountain. Geologists call it a laccolith, a volcanic bulge that never erupted, as if still storing its power within.

To a handful of Plains Indian tribes, Bear Butte remains the preeminent sacred place on their continent. On all sides, the approach to this counterpart of Mt. Sinai or Mt. Athos is mantled with waves of prairie grass, allowing arriving pilgrims or vision-seekers to take in the promontory's stillness, quietude and power by degrees.

But the construction of a 30,000-seat-capacity rock-concert amphitheater, a 22,000-square-foot biker bar and a 150,000-square-foot asphalt parking lot adjacent to the butte threatens the place's ability to provide peace and refuge. Every summer, an estimated 500,000 growling Harleys invade the nearby town of Sturgis, destroying the butte's zone of spiritual restoration. However, that August orgy of mandatory machismo, nonstop boozing and wild-girl breast-baring lasts for only two weeks. The mammoth entertainment venue under construction, for which bulldozers are scraping up turf, will bring roaring choppers, blasting music and carousing drinkers year-round.

Next week, the Meade County Commission will hear debate on the venue's liquor license application. An overflow crowd of American Indians is expected to attend. For them, Bear Butte's history is ancient and hallowed. Into the butte's bowels, says Cheyenne Indian mythology, once ventured a man and a woman who were charged with saving their tribe from starvation. Within its cavern-like interior, they received the great Massaum ceremony, with its gift of providing game animals to feed the people. For Lakota Indians, Bear Butte is their ultimate altar, where their Great Spirit placed all seven sacred elements and made it the optimal location for smoking the sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, a rite that holds the secret "to the past, present and future of the Lakota people." complete article

At least 50,000 march in Denver

From the AP.
Tens Of Thousands Attend Immigration Rally
By Kim Nguyen, Associated Press Writer
Save It Email It Print It
(AP) DENVER More than 50,000 people gathered downtown Denver Saturday as part of a national protest against a crackdown in immigration laws, surprising city police who had expected far fewer people.

On a warm, spring day, with temperatures reaching 70 degrees, protesters came out to urge the state Senate to reject a resolution supporting a ballot issue that would deny many government services to illegal immigrants in Colorado.

They also protested federal legislation aimed at criminalizing illegal immigrants and building more walls along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Police officers were expecting only a few thousand people at Civic Center Park next to the state Capitol and Denver city and county buildings, said police spokesman Sonny Jackson, who provided the crowd estimate. complete article

Friday, March 24, 2006

Update from the Six Nations

received via email



MNN. March 23, 2006. It was a victory for the power of the people! It was a victory for Indigenous land rights. It was a victory for all those struggling for recognition of Indigenous jurisdiction. Since mid-February the Rotinoshon’non:we/Iroquois have been protesting the construction of a luxury residential subdivision on their land called “Douglas Estates” near Caledonia Ontario. With the Canadian and provincial governments intent on ignoring our rights, there were no options. We had to stop the construction ourselves. Our people braved freezing rain, snow, sleet and ankle deep mud. Many slept in tents and cars to keep the barricades manned. Supporters carried in pots of food and truckloads of firewood. We’re in it for the long haul! We are continuing the fight that our grandparents and great-grandparents fought and that our children and grandchildren are prepared to continue if the colonization doesn’t stop.

Henco Industries, the developer that is squatting on our land, went to court and got an injunction. Judge David Marshall of the Ontario Provincial Court thought he had a fool proof plan to get rid of the people protesting Ontario’s persistent violation of Six Nations Territory. On March 16 he issued a strange convoluted order. He announced that at 2:00 on Wednesday, March 22nd, the Ontario Provincial Police OPP would come in. They would read the order to us. Anyone who didn’t leave immediately would be arrested and taken to the police station where they would be photographed, fingerprinted and released. He also ordered that anyone who returned would be charged and placed on probation for a year. The trouble is he seemed to have forgotten about due process and the honor of the Crown. He didn’t mention a hearing or a trial. Neither Ontario nor Henco was required to prove they owned the land in question. This may have something to do with the report that Judge Marshall and the Crown Prosecutor, Owen Young, both claim parts of our land themselves.

The people weren’t frightened by Marshall’s attempt to bully us with his bogus order. We’ve seen it all before. Everyone rallied to support us. By 2:00 on Wednesday hundreds of people had converged at Douglas Estates. The Women locked arms together on the front line. It’s our duty under our constitution, the Kaianereh’ko:wa/Great Law, to protect the land for our future generations. We were going to do our best. We weren’t alone. All across Turtle Island from the Dene of the Northwest Territories, the Western chiefs of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, natives and non-natives alike bombarded everybody they could with the message: "Stop the OPP bloodbath". It did not happen because as 2:00 came and went people continued to arrive to stand with us.

We lead ourselves, which we had every right to do. That’s autonomy and freedom of _expression. We found out that we all follow the same philosophy. We all want to protect the natural world and to live in peace and harmony together. We all have the same vision, to preserve our sovereignty in order to protect our land to ensure a future for our people, as creation intended us to do. We are not Canadians and not Americans. We have always rejected the genocidal colonial European vision.

Super Indian Cop, Jim Potts, a self-described expert on us, pulled himself and his Aboriginal mercenaries out of the protest at the last minute. He had set up a squad of his own people to attack their brothers and sisters at Six Nations. He said, "They aren't going to have any weapons", like we’re supposed to believe that the OPP is unarmed! That’s who he said was their back up. If anything happened, the Aboriginal inductees would take the flack and act as human shields for the provincial gestapo. Looks like he read Ward Churchill’s “A Little Matter of Genocide” and decided to be Ontario’s ‘Little Eichmann’. "We have a court order to do this", he said. That's the plan that was outlined in his report on "Dealing with Indigenous Protests and Occupations" that fell into the hands of MNN. It came from one of its most valued and trusted sources.

The OPP have no jurisdiction on land claimed by the Rotinoshon'non:we because we never gave any to them in accordance with our nation-to-nation agreement. The Ontario courts used to recognize that back in the 1920’s before Duncan Campbell Scott deposed the traditional Rotinoshon’non:we government.

Colonial practices have gotten worse since then. The popular action on Wednesday has turned the tide, we hope. Maybe Ipperwash made them think, finally! We will no longer be lead into the ovens by sell-outs like Jim Potts! When we pull together and assert ourselves, we will win by standing on our principles. Our path has been blocked for so long. We removed the ‘log’ on the road, chopped it up and used it for firewood. Yes, we are going to find non-destructive ways to get Turtle Island back. Every time we neglected our responsibility, hard times came upon us. But our duties and responsibilities were still there.

We lost our way because there was so much dust on our constitution. Generations were forbidden to speak our language. They were interpreting everything through residential school eyes. The Kaianereh'ko:wa was being used to control the people as if it was colonial law instead of helping us. The servants of the colonialists try to make the people serve them. On Wednesday no leaders showed up because the minds of the "leaders" are the minds of the colonialist.

In the early 1800’s there was a Judge Marshall in the United States Supreme Court whose reasoning is relied on to this day by courts that are trying to defend Indigenous rights in an honorable way. If Ontario’s Judge David Marshall is a blood descendant, he’s certainly not philosophical kin. This guy believes in “big gun” injunctions. He can’t be bothered with little details like legal proof. He was determined to charge people even if he didn’t know who they were. His orders were all made out mostly to fictional people called “John and Jane Doe”. He wanted to sentence them without a hearing or a trial. He threatened them with criminal records, bad credit ratings, inability to borrow money, border crossing trouble and lots more. Sounded like he said something like, "We’ll even hose you down with bad water if we have to". But he really wanted to “atomize” us! Oops! Hey! Isn’t that genocide again? He seemed to want to dump every kind of threat in his quiver to stop us from exercising our rights and to perfect Henco Industries’ theft of our land.

These kinds of things always attract scammers as well as serious supporters. This time we got one, Pat Holly, who claimed to be the trustee of Mohawk Nation Grand River and maybe even Mother Earth itself! He sure didn’t look like a clan mother! But this white guy thought he had a good thing going. He had two native fronts. Maybe he thought no one would find out he’d been caught selling fake Indian and Metis status cards in the United States. He served Henco Industries with Notices of International Claim for $110 million US through the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Texas. He wanted a check made out to Pat Holly, Bill Squires and Thedawahka. Then the whole issue would go away. This sounds almost as legitimate as the previous “sales” of Six Nations land. Maybe this guy has an option on the Brooklyn Bridge too!

People are still at the site. They intend to stay. They invite supporters to come and stand with them. The injunction is not legal and is going to be challenged. We have the support of people across the whole of Turtle Island and beyond. Today even Indian Affairs Minister Prentice sent a representative to the site to open up a dialogue. They told him, “Give us your name. We’ll call you sometime”. I wonder if he would open up a dialogue if someone came to squat on his land and tried to kick him off?

Kahentinetha Horn – MNN Mohawk Nation News – kahentinetha2@yahoo.com – coming soon www.mnn.mohawknationnews.com

Announcement of Gathering to protect Bear Butte

My name is Carter Camp, I'm a Ponca Indian and I have been chosen to be the "Eyapaha" or "Traditional Speaker" for the Inter-Tribal Coalition to Defend Bear Butte. (www.defendbearbutte.org).

As such, I would like to announce a major effort by over thirty (30) Sovereign Indian Nations in America to stop the obscene developments which are being built all around the Mountain each of our Nations hold sacred and inviolable. For over a century our Nations have attempted to explain to the encroaching Americans that this Sacred Mountain is a place where we come to pray and it holds an exquisitely important place in the ancient religious ways of each of our Nations. For example, during each of America's World Wars, plus Korea and Viet Nam, our Nations and our Veterans pilgrimage to Bear Butte to pray for the victories of American Armed Forces and the safe return of our tribal warriors who fought in those wars in such great numbers. In fact all year around hundreds of Indian people make their pilgrimage to Bear Butte to pray, fast, and hold religious ceremonies. The Mountain holds such tremendous meaning to our people that many of us believe our entire way of life will be destroyed if the continued exploitation of the land around Bear Butte is allowed to continue by local and State governments.

Now because those same local and state governments refuse to hear our pleas to mitigate the developments or in any way cooperate with our requests for a five-mile buffer zone around her base, we must attempt to convince them in a more direct way. Therefore we have decided to hold another "Great Gathering of the Nations" such as the one Hunkpapa Chief Sitting Bull held in the mid 1800's for the same reason… to protect our sacred grounds. Chief Sitting Bull gathered 6,000 of his people; we plan on gathering over 10,000 native people on Bear Butte during this year's "Sturgis Bike Rally" to stand and march in witness and protest to the destruction of our most holy site. Each day of the "Rally" we plan on exercising our Constitutional right to assemble on Bear Butte and march to the Sturgis City Hall and/or the various scenes of noisy, drunken debauchery taking place around the slopes of our sacred mountain.

Our people will begin gathering to hold ceremonies on the Fourth of July and we will continue to gather our people until August when a "Grand Council of the Tribes" will be held to determine our future course of actions. All Traditional Societies will take their place in the grand circle; Traditional Chiefs will lead societies of Kit Fox, Dog Soldiers, Ponca He'Thuska, and other Lakota Tokala and Akicita to take their places at the front of the people. Our effort will be led principally by American Indian Veterans who have fought for America in all of her wars.

The second effort will be an International boycott of the Broken Spoke Saloon and all booze serving campgrounds within the five-mile buffer zone. This effort will be spearheaded by the newly formed biker group "BIKERS FOR BEAR BUTTE" who will take it upon themselves to inform the biker nation that Meade County and South Dakota are turning a deaf and racist ear to Indian people and only the bikers themselves can take the proper steps to enforce the buffer zone by asking all bikers not to patronize any campground, booze party, or concert venue within the buffer zone. They will "request" in the strongest terms that their fellow bikers stay off Highway 34 and 79 within five miles of Bear Butte. This effort has already begun and will grow much stronger before the "Rally".

In closing I would like to assure the people of South Dakota that our gathering and marches will be peaceful and within Constitutional bounds. We will seek permits for our marches and gathering places and we intend to comply with existing laws. But in the end, we fully intend to protect the sanctity of our sacred mountain no matter how long it takes; we have done so for hundreds of years and we intend to continue as long as she is being shown disrespect and remains under attack.

We further ask the people of South Dakota to help us by writing or calling their legislators and asking them to enact the five-mile buffer zone as law.

In 2001 the World Trade Center ruins became "Sacred Ground" to all Americans so it seems America can understand the concept with which our people have regarded Bear Butte from time immemorial.

All we're asking is that South Dakotans give our sacred mountain the same respect given to New York's sacred site.

Carter Camp, Eyapaha
Inter-Tribal Coalition to Defend Bear Butte.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

More people arriving to assist those enforcing 1784 treaty

More natives from Canada and the United States are arriving to help out their relatives.

Clan mothers lay it on the line

Sheryl Nadler, the Hamilton Spectator

No showdown with police at native rally to stop builders

By Paul Legall
The Hamilton Spectator
CALEDONIA (Mar 23, 2006)
More than a hundred native women including powerful clan mothers locked arms in a human chain to block a police arresting party that never happened.

It was the second mass rally that native protesters have staged since moving onto a residential building construction site south of town on Feb. 28.

It started with about a dozen people in the morning. Supporters kept streaming in during the course of the day and by 2 p.m., more than 200 people had gathered at the entrance of the Douglas Creek Estates.

There were also dozens of cars parked on and around the building site and along both sides of Argyle Street. The anticipated showdown with the local OPP also attracted a steady stream of spectators creating bumper-to-bumper traffic on the road.

Droves of new supporters, including natives from other parts of Canada and the United States, responded to a judge's order last week which ordered protesters to leave the site by 2 p.m. If they didn't go on their own, they were told they'd be arrested for contempt of court and face a possible 30-day jail sentence. complete article

Gitka'a'ata First Nation mobilizes to save passengers on sinking ferry

Hartley Bay is home to the members of the Gitka'a'ata First Nation

The rescue at Hartley Bay
Villagers race to sea in pitch blackness with one thought: help those in distress

From Thursday's Globe and Mail

Moments after the marine radio crackled to life at 12:25 a.m. yesterday with a distress call announcing that a British Columbia ferry was on the rocks, the village of Hartley Bay sprang into action.

People tumbled out of their beds, pulled on their clothes and raced through a lashing rain squall for the small dock in the isolated community on B.C.'s rugged Central Coast, 140 kilometres southeast of Prince Rupert.

The men who had boats went to sea, in pitch blackness and not knowing exactly where they were headed, while those who remained behind were organized by women at the Hartley Bay native band community centre to get ready for survivors.

Nobody knew what to expect, but they knew they would do whatever they could. complete article

Natives defy injunction in order to enforce 1784 treaty

Deadline passes with no arrest. The standoff continues.

Native occupiers stay at Ontario site as deadline passes
Last Updated Wed, 22 Mar 2006 15:53:42 EST
CBC News
A court-imposed deadline has passed without arrests as native protesters continue to occupy a construction site near Caledonia, Ont.

INDEPTH: Aboriginal Canadians

Native protest near Caledonia, Ont.
Ontario Provincial Police told reserve officials Tuesday night they didn't plan any arrests on Wednesday, despite a 2 p.m. deadline set by a judge last week for the protesters to leave. The police planned to monitor the situation.

The protesters, from the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory reserve near Brantford, have been occupying the area since Feb. 28. They say a new subdivision is being built on land that belongs to them.

"We would like to see a stop put to the development at this point, a moratorium of sorts," Sandra Muse, the editor of a reserve newspaper, told CBC News on Wednesday morning. complete article

The following was sent via email. Reports from the inside are also going to be sent so we'll publish those as we receive them.

March 22, 2006

To All Onkwehonweh, our Friends and our Allies:

The Men and Women who are in occupation of the lands on 6th line
near Caledonia need your support. According to Wampum #44 of the
Kaienerekowah (the Great Law) The Women are the title holders to the
lands; and under the direction of the Clanmothers, Janie Jamieson and
others have maintained their position that our lands are inalianable.
They are not for sale and there is no negotiation. The government
knowingly transfered our lands to Henco Industries, through years of
negotiations with the Band Council; which neither party had the
authority to do. They have been continually reminded and they knew
full well that as Title holders, the responsiblity of our lands lie
with the Women and our Traditional Government.
Under the Great Law, when the Clanmothers give direction, it is our
responsiblity as men to uphold their wishes and protect the people.
The Clanmothers have maintained this to be a peaceful occupation and
we are asking for all of you, who's future generations we are
fighting for, to come and support them. The OPP are coming in at
2:00. We must imlore them to pull back.
Spokespersons: Janie Jamieson 905-517-7006, D.Hill 519-865-7722;

Call: Governor General 613-993-8200; Attorney General of Ontario;
Ontario General of Canada; Jim Potts OPP head of Aboriginal OPP
invasion 613-795-3907; OPP Brian Haggith 905-772-3322; Stephen Harper
pm@pm.gc.ca fax 613-941-6900, ph 613-992-4211; Premier Dalton
McGuinty Dalton.McGuinty@premier.gov.on.ca;
Jim Potts, a native, who is leading the Aboriginal policemen who are
going to attack us at 2:00 co-authored a report on "Policing and
Aboriginal Occupations and Protests". One strategy being used is
bringing in Aboriginal policemen to attack their own people. This is
so that the OPP will not get a black eye like they did at
Ipperwash. They will make it look like a fight between Indians. We
urge the mothers of these Aboriginal policemen to implore their sons
and daughters to stay away. Why should the state put the gun in the
Indian's hands to shoot their brothers and sisters? This is the same
strategy Hitler used in bringing in Jews, referred to as "trustees"
to help him herd him the Jews into the ovens.

At 1:17 pm Wed. Mar. 22 the choppers have arrived flying high over
the site to intimidate the unarmed People who are peacefully
protecting our land. Cruisers going by regularly. Streets are going
to be blocked.

Please Circulate this Widely, Nationally and Internationally.
Sharon Green

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Pine Ridge students protest

Red Cloud high school sophomore students walked out of the school to protest the termination of 2 culture teachers.

Students protest teachers’ firings

By Jomay Steen, Journal Staff Writer

PINE RIDGE - On Tuesday, American Indian high school students protested the recent firings of two teachers and what they describe as the suppression of their Lakota language and culture at a Catholic school on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

The sophomore class of Red Cloud Indian School led about 25 students in a protest of the school’s recent firings of two Lakota culture teachers, the confiscation of students’ tobacco ties made on a religious retreat, comparisons of Lakota spiritualism to mythology and allegations of mistreatment.

Bob Brave Heart, Red Cloud Indian School superintendent, said that although he is disappointed that the students hadn’t approached him or the school’s principal about their concerns, the school would not punish the students beyond counting them absent from classes.

“They do have the right to protest,” he said complete article

The students were met by some members of the Oglala Sioux Tribe Council. "“I admire their activism." said OST council member Will Peters.

Protests in Ecuador continue-State of emergency declared

The state of Ecuador has declared a state of emergency in response to the continuing protests by Indigenous Peoples.

Ecuador: Protests Against Free Trade Reach Critical Juncture
Written by Cyril Mychalejko
Wednesday, 22 March 2006
The Ecuadorian government declared a state of emergency on Tuesday, March 21 after countrywide protests and roadblocks led by indigenous peasants intensified.

Protesters are demanding that President Alfredo Palacio end negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States, which are scheduled to resume on Thursday in Washington. They also demanded the government expel U.S. oil company Occidental from the country. The protests are in their tenth day and growing stronger, despite headlines in the U.S. media over the weekend suggesting that they were "losing steam" and "fading."

Palacio has accused protesters of trying to "destabilize democracy" and of using "deceptive politics that seek to perversely tear apart the nation."

And although the protesters seek to protect, not destabilize democracy, they may very well destabilize Palacio’s already fragile interim government. His administration has been struggling to contain protests and strikes in the oil producing Amazon region over the last few months. Protesters shut down two oil-pumping stations in February, demanding that the government spend more on social programs and infrastructure projects. Ecuador uses less than 8 percent of its GDP on social programs. complete article

Monday, March 20, 2006

Possible invasion of four Mohawk communities

This came courtesy of Mohawk Nation News. The website will be up soon and we are posting it in it's entirety.


MNN. March 14, 2006. “I don’t trust them. We’ll get ready for the 1st and they’ll come in on the 2nd”, said a Kanehsatake grandmother. To help us Mohawks welcome the Spring, the RCMP and the Canadian army seem to be planning to attack four of our communities on Saturday, April 1st, 2006. Get ready, folks! This is just two weeks away.

Tyendinaga near Belleville Ontario has found out about this from two separate sources. Kahnawake, Kanehsatake and Akwesasne haven’t been told yet. We’ve all been the targets of surveillance by low flying helicopters for some time now. They’re inspecting our homes and businesses. Why don’t they drive up to our cigarette shacks in cars like anybody else?

In Tyendinaga a chopper landed right in the middle of their runway on Wednesday, February 8th at 8:30 pm. The soldiers got out, stomped around for a bit, all decked out in full uniform, helmets and night vision goggles. (Why did they land? Did someone need to pee?) “We’re just doing routine training”, they told the ever-suspicious Mohawks. Then they quickly jumped back into their helicopter and flew away, without even waving good-bye. A week later two army choppers flew low enough to shine bright blinding lights right inside people’s houses.

Last summer Mohawks bumped into Canadian and U.S. Special Operations Soldiers on the CN Rail lines on Tyendinaga. The Mohawks chased them off. Later they came across Canadian soldiers on a road near their northern boundary. This time dozens of soldiers jumped out of the trees on both sides of the road and scooted off like a bunch of scared rabbits. What do you think of that?

These and other incursions over the past months and years worry our communities. R. Don Maracle, the band council chief there, wrote to the army on February 9th 2006. He protested the helicopter flights, saying "further activities will be viewed as harassment and a serious breach of protocol."

What did those guys means that it was just “routine training”? Since when did Canadian soldiers practice on unsuspecting civilians of another nation? This is an international incident! They certainly don’t run practice maneuvers in the middle of downtown Ottawa or suburban Scarborough or Albany New York, do they?

Since 1994 Canada has been quietly reviving the old fashioned Hollywood-Cowboy method for dealing with Indigenous people. What they’re doing is illegal under international law. But they’re trying to get away with it anyway.

They call it a crime for Indians to make and sell cigarettes on “reserve” lands. But they still haven’t resolved the boundaries between Canadian and indigenous jurisdictions. Their constitution says they have to respect “aboriginal and treaty rights”. Their highest courts say these rights are “inherent”. That means they have to respect our jurisdiction that predates the arrival of the colonizers.

The trouble is they’re still with cowboy and Indian fantasies. They think we have to live like we did 400 years ago. Do they? Are they going to go back to wearing little bloomers, frilly collars, ride sailing ships and not bath? Not likely. But they still want us to stay in canoes.

When you come right down to it, their decision to declare that our business activities are crimes is illegal nonsense. They think they have a right to raid us like a bunch of Rambos. They seem to have forgotten about the commitment to peace and honorable negotiations they made to our ancestors and to the international community.

They’re not above trying to co-opt some of our cousins into their deceitful schemes. James Gabriel of Kanehsatake allegedly signed a deal in November 2003 with the Solicitor General to target all Mohawks who are trading with their sister communities. They want to wipe out the entire native run tobacco industry.

Canada thinks that the only way to scare the Mohawks is by launching an overwhelming attack on us with massive military and police armaments and weaponry. They just don’t want us to become economically self-reliant because then we would control our own lives. Indian Affairs would be out of a job.

We Mohawks are proud of our prowess in looking after ourselves and our people. We will not let colonial governments and their agents criminalize us for running legitimate economic enterprises. Because they fear our asserting our rights, Canada hires high priced public relations firms to constantly demonize and stereotypes us as “dangerous criminals”. This is being done to condition the public. If they think we’re criminals, they wont object if we’re attacked. They won’t notice that peaceful families are being violated by armed “mercenaries”. They’ll think they’re just cleaning up crime.

In 1994, the Canadian army planned to invade these four communities. It was called ‘Operation Scorpion Saxon’. It was to have involved some 1,500 soldiers, 2,000 RCMP and 2,000 Quebec officers. What a great make work plan. Indian Affairs isn’t the only colonial government agency looking to justify its existence. “They would invade at night with the forces arriving by road, rail and air using helicopters and armored vehicles”.

The soldiers would have brought tear gas, smoke bombs and pepper spray. They were trained to use 66 millimeter rockets and M-67 type fragmentation grenades. There would be low level helicopter flights below power lines and shooting from flight levels of 100 feet. There was no mention of what precautions were to be taken to protect babies sleeping in their cradles, or to ensure that shrapnel avoided hitting the elderly. Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2) commandos were on standby. They figured this would cause countrywide native protests and were prepared for multiple strikes across Canada. Obviously at some level they knew that the public would be able to see what they were doing was wrong.

When it was called off, the army called this ‘simple routine training’. Have we heard that before? Two reasons were given: (1) CSIS advised Canada that there would be "grave political violence" that the Canadian public would not tolerate; and (2) There were too many leaks about the army’s plans which would eliminate the element of surprise they thought they needed. All this to stop Canadians from smoking Native Cigarettes!

In the Toronto Star, Sgt. Martin Blais of the RCMP in Ottawa said, "We would not confirm or deny this or any operational matter".

Maj. Mike Lagace of the Canadian Air Force Air Wings headquarters in Winnipeg said relationships with local native communities are important for the military, "when conducting flying exercise or operations." So why aren’t they telling us what they’re up to? What’s routine about practicing military maneuvers in residential Indian neighborhoods?

So, we Mohawks better brace ourselves just in case this is not an April Fool’s joke! Let’s keep our eyes open. As one Akwesasne resident said, “We’re supposed to be watching out. But we’re seeing so many strange things these day we don’t know what’s out-of-the-ordinary anymore”. Maybe it’s time for an email campaign to tell the Canadian government to back off. .

Kahentinetha Horn,


MNN Mohawk Nation News

Mnn.mohawknationnews.com (coming soon)

Indigenous Peoples prepare for another week of demonstrations-Ecuador

The indignous mobilization in Ecuador continues.

Ecuador begins second week of anti-FTA protests

QUITO, March 20 (PL).—Ecuador today is starting another week of indigenous mobilizations against the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States, with marches and road blocks in various provinces.

"The national mobilization will continue and will be more forceful and courageous," with more demonstrations throughout the nation from dawn this Monday," states a communiqué from the Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador Federation (CONAIE).

Despite violent repression by the police forces, the indigenous movement has warned Alredo Palacio, president of that country, that if he persists in signing the FTA there will be a popular uprising.

The CONAIE noted that the unmeasured use of force by this transitional administration demonstrates its fear and is making the popular clamor for the just demand for a more worthy and sovereign life all the stronger.

At least 25 people were arrested last night and others sought refuge during a police ambush of the peaceful indigenous march as it approached the capital. complete article

Friday, March 17, 2006

Bigger blockades promised in Ecuador

The protests in Ecuador are easing up but bigger blockades are being planned.

Ecuadorian Indians promise bigger blockades

Protests by Ecuador's indigenous peoples against a proposed free trade deal with United States eased on Friday but leaders warned they will call bigger blockades if the government insists in signing the agreement.

Angry indigenous groups blocked roads and burned tyres during four days and Thursday evening returned to their villages. The government welcomed the end of the recent wave of protests, which it said heralded the return of normality to Ecuador.
Public Administration Secretary Jose Modesto Apolo said that “the Indian protest has ended and the country is going back to normal”.

Apolo added that the Cotopaxi province protest ended after the government awarded regional authorities 2 million US dollars for infrastructure works.

Protests paralyzed 8 of the country’s 22 provinces and caused great disruptions in the capital Quito.

But protest leaders remained unconvinced by government efforts to ease the crisis and Indian Congress member Jorge Guaman warned that "an uprising" will take place between March 23 and April 6, --when the final round of negotiations takes place in Washington--, if Ecuadorian President Alfredo Palacio signs the FTA.
“By no means are the demonstrations over”, highlighted Guaman. complete article

Vine's book is now available

The World We Used to LIve in: Rembering the Powers of the Medicine Men-Vine Deloria, Jr.
Book Description
One of the unfortunate byproducts of the recent renaissance in Native American spirituality has been the abuse and misuse of sacred ceremonies by Indians and non- Indians alike. In Vine Deloria's Jr.'s groundbreaking final work, the culmination of more than 30 years of research and scholarship, this great and beloved thinker reclaims the importance of these ceremonies for Native America. Through the collection of dozens of stories about medicine men, across tribes and time, Deloria displays the sense of humility, the reliance on spirits, and the immense powers that characterized Native people through history. Moreover, in a synthesis of many of his earlier writings, Deloria explores the relation of these powers to our current understanding of science and the cosmos.

Six Nations members defend their land

Received via email

SIX NATIONS - Six Nations community people remain unarmed and peaceful at the site of Douglas Creek near Caledonia on Six Nations Territory known as the Haldimand Tract.

In 1784, Sir Frederick Haldimand issued a proclamation authorizing Six Nations to take possession of and settle upon the banks of the Grand River "beginning at Lake Erie and extending in that proportion to the head of the said river which them and their posterity are to enjoy forever."

An injunction against some members of Six Nations was heard in Cayuga Provincial Court today at 2 p.m. Judge Thomas David Marshall was asked to step down from presiding over this case as it was presented to be found that he held land deeds on the Haldimand Tract. After a short recess, Judge Marshall declared no conflict and proceeded. No judgment was made and the hearing continues Friday, March 17, 2006 at 11 a.m.

The Six Nations community people at the land reclamation site wish this situation to come to a peaceful end. They are prepared to accept a resolution of the following two conditions. First, they wish any further development on their land to cease and desist. Second, they wish to be informed that Six Nations land claims will be settled by the federal government.

The Six Nations community people feel confident that the urgency and the importance of this situation will result in a positive solution.

For more information contact:

Lisa VanEvery, Media Consultant
Janie Jamieson, Spokesperson

Phone: (519) 771-5681
Phone:(905) 517-7006

Fax: (519) 751-1595

Email: c-p-i@rogers.com

Here is some background info from the gathering place

The Douglas Creek Estates development is currently under construction on lands stolen from the Six Nations Peoples. On Feb. 28th, the Peoples re-occupied their land and said they will stay until jurisdiction and title over the land is restored to Six Nations.

The British Crown granted the Six Nations Reserve a 10- kilometre strip on each side of the Grand River from the mouth to the source, a tract of about 950,000 acres. But today, the reserve covers only about 5 per cent of the tract. Protesters say the rest of the lands were stolen, squatted on or illegally transferred after being leased to non-natives. Protesters say the building site, which could eventually accommodate close to 200 homes, is part of the original tract granted to the Six Nations people more than 200 years ago. The proposed development and impending growth continues to infringe on Six Nations treaty rights.
The land was never sold, transferred or surrendered to non-natives and the site is still part of the Six Nations territory, even though at least two of the houses have been sold and were soon to be occupied. The protesters are acting under the direction of the Six Nations Confederacy, the traditional chiefs. They believe the Confederacy -- and not the elected band council -- has the authority to negotiate lands on behalf of Six Nations. Gathering place

Go to the link to learn more.

We'll also be posting updates on this issue as news comes in.

Exorcising colonial demons

This arrived courtesy of Mohawk Nation News. Their webiste will be up soon and we are posting the article in it's entirety.


MNN. March 16, 2006. On March 10, 2006, the United Nations Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination found that the United States was denying the Western Shoshone people "their rights to own, develop, control and use their land and resources". They warned the U.S. to respect their obligations according to the Convention". The U. S. was urged to "freeze",
"desist" and "stop" their actions against the Western Shoshone and abide by the Committee's "Early Warning and Urgent Action Procedure".

The Western Shoshone land base covers approximately 60 million acres, stretching across the states of Nevada, Idaho, Utah and California. Their land rights were entrenched in the 1868 Treaty of Ruby Valley. The U.S. used a procedure similar to that of the Canadian and Ontario governments when they turned land belonging to the Stoney Point people at Ipperwash into a park. The U.S. declared the Western Shoshone lands had become "public" or federal lands in violation of the treaty.

The U.S. uses Western Shoshone land for military testing, open pit cyanide heap leach gold mining and nuclear waste disposal planning. They have used military style seizures of Shoshone livestock, trespass fines in the millions of dollars and ongoing armed surveillance of Western Shoshone who assert their original and treaty rights. When the Western Shoshone questioned their actions, they were denied "fair access" to the U.S. courts. The U.S. courts represent the United States, one of the adversaries in the conflict. So the Western Shoshone took their case to the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This became the neutral tribunal required under international law.

In 2001 the Committee had already expressed alarm that U.S. laws and treatment of indigenous peoples continue to be based on the outdated, colonial era "doctrine of discovery." The Committee's decision is a direct negation of the colonial process.

The US was extinguishing Western Shoshone's rights through "gradual encroachment" on their lands even though the Indigenous people continue to use and occupy their lands. This process was crafted in the U.S. Indian Claims Commission
which does not follow "international human rights norms, principles and standards".

U.S. tactics include:

a. Privatizing ancestral lands so they could
be transferred to multinational corporations and
energy developers.

b. Destroying and denying them access to
their spiritual and cultural areas; opening a
nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain; using
explosives and open pit gold mining on Mont
Tenabo and Horse Canyon; and issuing geothermal
energy leases at, or near, their hot springs.

c. Resuming underground nuclear testing;

d. Conducting all activities without consulting with and despite the protests of the Indigenous peoples;

e. Intimidating and harassing them through imposing grazing fees, trespass and collection notices; impounding horses and livestock; restricting hunting, fishing and gathering; and arresting them; and

f. Blocking them from challenging these actions before an impartial court;

The Committee has ordered the U.S. to immediately stop all of these tactics.

Joe Kennedy, of the Western Shoshone delegation, said, "We have rights to protect our homelands and stop the destruction of our land, water, and air by the abuses of the United States government and the multinational corporations". He asked
people worldwide to help stop this insanity to secure a safe future for all.

Recognizing Indigenous rights is the beginning of healing the earth and the international family. We need support to assert our jurisdiction so that we can look after the environment. The interests in health, safety and the desire to lead a wholesome life are shared by Indigenous and ordinary people worldwide. In the past year the citizens of New York State have supported the Kanion'ke:haka/Mohawk in stopping the fraudulent land claims and the destructive plans of the multinational mega energy corporations.

There was no valid consultation with or consent by the constitutional Indigenous people according to the standards set by U.S., Canadian or international law. What is called "international law" is not yet 'international' because Indigenous people do not participate in its formulations. So we are still at the mercy of state governments. However, state governments have become estranged from the populations they supposedly represent.

Deals with tribal and band councils set up by the state are not consultation. When they are conducted in secret, as often happens, there is no possibility of popular consent. The U.S. and Canada have been encroaching on land even when there were no agreements or treaties to validate their intrusions. The Western Shoshone decision indicates that encroaching as a way to take over land has been formally rejected.

The Committee urged the U.S. to initiate a dialogue to work toward a solution acceptable to the Shoshone. The Committee implements the consultation and consent standard to make an agreement valid.

US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in USA v. Lara stated in his concurring decision that he could find no evidence that any Indigenous people had given up any of their land and sovereignty; that federal Indian laws are "schizophrenic"; and
Indian affairs would be "chaotic" until this is dealt with. This is the first time a United Nations Committee has issued a full decision against the U.S. and "its highly controversial Federal Indian law and policy".

This decision challenges the U.S. and Canadian theft of Indigenous title to all of Turtle Island. Kanion'ke:haka/Mohawks have not been allowed to use our land or even to traverse upon most of it. Our lands have been illegally taken for bridges, highways, seaway, railway lines, communities for the settlers, mines, extraction of our resources and mega developments without our permission. This is comparable to the imposition of fines, taxes, confiscation of sheep and putting mines on Western Shoshone property without their consent. States, mining companies, hydro developers and multinational corporations now have to get our permission to go on our land to set up their businesses.

The Committee has requested that the U.S. provide it with information on actions they are taking to implement their decision by 15 July 2006.

The University of Arizona Indigenous Law and Policy Program and Oxfam America, along with 13,000 signatures of U.S. supporters, helped the Western Shoshone file a new legal action at the United Nations CERD. (Contact Julie Fishel
wsdp@ig.org or 775-468-0230 (US)).

The U.S. argued that their actions were not "novel". As if we didn't all know that! What is somewhat original is their resistance to the decolonization movement that everyone in the world is coming to terms with. One of the ironies of the situation is that the U.S. Declaration of Independence was an inspiration for much of the decolonization process that
permeates the world. The U.S. has slipped from being a "leader of the pack" to being one of the "last lone laggards" charging off on imaginary crusades in ridiculous directions. Sadly, they are trampling a lot of ordinary and innocent people underfoot. They need to be exorcised them of their colonial ghosts.

Fortunately, the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination was not duped by the U.S.'s colonial phantoms. The U.S. asked the Committee to wait for them to submit their 'Periodic Report' which has been past due since 2003. The
Committee insisted on an immediate response. The U.S. didn't even show up! We cannot expect fair dealing and straight play from the U.S. Maybe they will try to fool people and set up a UN Indigenous Affairs Department using the U.S. and
Canadian Indian Affairs models. They will can hold all our land "in trust" so they can globally control us and our resources? Most likely they are looking for Indigenous leaders to co-opt.

How many times have we seen this before? Indigenous peoples have been active at the United Nations for several decades. This decision could promise hope to indigenous communities everywhere.

Kahentinetha Horn, MNN Mohawk Nation News,
kahentinetha2@yahoo.com (Coming soon. Get your
daily Kanion'ke:haka news on

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ecuador protests to continue

CONAIE leaders continue to pressure the state of Ecuador.

Indian leader nixes call to end protests
Associated Press
QUITO, Ecuador - The leader of Ecuador's main Indian movement on Thursday rejected President Alfredo Palacio's call to end protests against free-trade talks with the United States.

"We will continue to mobilize and radicalize the protests in favor of life and against the free-trade agreement," Luis Macas, leader of Ecuador's main Indian movement, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, said in a statement. "There will be neither dialogue nor contact with the government."

Police, however, said the protest was slowing as provincial governors called for an end to the protest following government pledges to invest more on social spending and public works in their areas.

In the face of the unrest, Palacio went on national television Wednesday and urged Ecuadorans to "close ranks" to defend the country's democracy. The president said the protests were "the culmination of deceptive politics that seeks to perversely tear apart the nation."

CONAIE began blockading roads and highways Monday and has threatened to overthrow Palacio's government if he signs a free-trade pact with the U.S. complete article

Save the Peaks-Sunrise prayer gathering

From Save the Peaks
Friday Sunrise Prayer Gathering for the Holy San Francisco Peaks!

Flagstaff, AZ - On Friday, March 17th at 6:00am, while Arizona Snowbowl prepares to open it's slopes for the first time this season, traditional Indigenous practitioners and community members will gather to offer prayers. The prayers offered will be to heal wounds and divisions created by Snowbowl owners and operators and the Forest Service officials because of their controversial plan to expand the developed ski area and make snow from contaminated wastewater on the Sacred Mountain known as the San Francisco Peaks.

"We are not gathering to interfere with Snowbowl's business or anybody's recreation," says Klee Benally of the Save the Peaks Coalition, "We are gathering to offer our prayers for healing. We will also acknowledge those who do not understand the harm they are trying to commit on our way of life, our community's health and the environment. We will be praying for compassion and respect."

Arizona Snowbowl recently received approval in District Court to make snow from contaminated wastewater, clear cut over 70 acres, expand its facilities and make additional development on the Peaks. The San Francisco Peaks are a holy site to more than 13 Native American Nations and a critical habitat for threatened species. The decision is being appealed by the Navajo Nation, Hopi Tribe, Yavapai Apache, Hualapai, Havasupai, Sierra Club, Flagstaff Activist Network and others.

Come show your support for the protection of our cultural and natural heritage. Save the Peaks!

After the prayer gathering at 1:30pm, members of ECHOES will be delivering petitions representing thousands of voices from throughout the world calling for the Flagstaff City Council to stop the sale of wastewater to Arizona Snowbowl for snowmaking.

Who: Traditional Indigenous Practitioners and Community Members

What: Sunrise Prayer Gathering for the Holy San Francisco Peaks!

Where: San Francisco Peaks, Arizona Snowbowl - Hart Prairie - lower parking lot

When: Sunrise - 6:00am

For more info email: coalition@savethepeaks.org

If you can't make it to Flagstaff on Friday:

Call in to stop the City of Flagstaff's sale of wastewater to Snowbowl for Snowmaking!

Please call:
City of Flagstaff Mayor Joe Donaldson
Telephone: (928) 779-7600

Suggested talking points:

The Coconino National Forest Service's Environmental Impact Statement recognizes that there will be "adverse impacts" to the cultural integrity of the San Francisco Peaks if the Snowbowl development is permitted. Snowbowl's plan would not be possible if the City did NOT sell wastewater to Snowbowl. Let him know how you personally feel about the preservation of ancient living cultures.

Scientific studies have found contaminants in the wastewater that could be dangerous to the environment and humans. With this information, the City must also address its use on parks, school fields and golf courses. Urge the city council to take these scientific findings seriously!

The City of Flagstaff's economy benefits greatly from neighboring Native American Nations and from heritage tourism year round. The sale of wastewater to Snowbowl will continue to be detrimental to the City's reputation and relations with these tribes that oppose further desecration of the San Francisco Peaks.

Snowbowl's wastewater plan and the City's involvement are contributing to racial division in the community.

Urge the Mayor to allow the community to decide if it should sell wastewater to Snowbowl.

Stop the sale of contaminated wastewater to Snowbowl! Respect our Cultural and
Natural Heritage!


Aymaran professor denied entry into U.S.

Waskar Ari is an Aymarran professor who was hired to teach at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. The U.S State Department is subjecting him to extensive background checks, and effectively denying his entrance, due to what they claim to be "derogatory information" on Ari, which they refuse to disclose.

Read the American Historical Association letter to the U.S State Department here.American Historical Association

You can also watch a clip from the Democracy Now program that focuses on the case of Waskar Ari and Tariq Ramadan. Tariq Ramadan is a Venezuelan professor who was denied a visa to teach at the Univeristy of Notre Dame.

Video Clip Download

Fourth day of protests in Ecuador

From the BBC website

Ecuador protests enter fourth day

Indigenous groups fear a trade deal would harm their economy

Indigenous groups in Ecuador have begun a fourth day of protests against a proposed free trade deal with the US.

They are blocking roads across the Andean highlands, where extra police and soldiers have been deployed.

Demonstrators have rejected an offer by the government to form a committee to investigate their concerns, describing it as a smoke screen.

President Alfredo Palacio says the protests are designed to create chaos and bring down his government. complete article

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Winona LaDuke at Regis

Winona LaDuke is a member of the Mississippi Band Anishinaabeg and lives on the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota. She is the founding director of the White Earth Land Recovery Project (WELRP). The mission of the WELRP is to facilitate recovery of the original land base of the White Earth Indian Reservation, while preserving and restoring traditional practices of sound land stewardship, language fluency, community development, and strengthening our spiritual and cultural heritage.

Regis University recently featured Winona LaDuke as one of their speakers for Womens’ History Month. Winona spoke about “"Environmental Justice from a Native Perspective".

One of the central questions that Winona posed in her talk was; How do you create a multicultural society that truly respects the rights of all? As evidence of the difficulty of this process in U.S society, Winona told the story of various struggles to protect native sacred sites from destruction by corporate and “recreational” interests.

Beginning with The place where the thunderbeings rest(aka Mount Mckay located at the edge of Thunder Bay, Ontario) and stopping at the place where life begins, (coastal plain of the Artctic National Wildlife Refuge), Winona described the collusion between corporate and state interests that threaten to destroy mountains and landscapes sacred to Indigenous Peoples.

The struggle to protect sacred sites hasn’t always been waged to protect natrual resources. At times, the threat comes from “recreational interests”. Such is the case with The sixth resting place of the Anishanabee(aka Spirit Mt at Duluth, MN). Winona told the story of the sixth resting place which recounts that the Anishanabee People journeyed until they came to the place where food grows on water . The food of course is wild rice. There they rested and have always considered the sixth resting place to be sacred.

The threat to the sixth resting place came from a golf course. Developers, or rather despoilers, attempted to build an 18 hole golf course on the mount. Anishinabee People testified before the Duluth City Council and told of the reverence they had for the sixth resting place . The City Council eventually denied the golf course only to have the mayor veto their action. Eventually, the mayor was voted out of office and there is now a Spirit Mountain Decree which protects the sacred site.

At least two of the places Winona spoke about are currently under threat.

Bear Butte (South Dakota) is sacred to many native nations each of which call it by their own name. Native people go to Bear Butte in the summer to hold ceremonies, fast and pray for several days. A businessman has started construction on 600 acres of property next to Bear Butte which will host summer concerts and a biker bar. Imagine trying to hold a ceremony while a party is raging nearby. This may be the future at Bear Butte and native peoples are now organizing to prevent that from happening.

The other sacred area under threat was the last one Winona spoke about.. The place where life begins, is so named because that is where the Caribou go to calve. The Gwichin have struggled to protect this area from drilling for decades. Tomorrow, it is expected that the Senate will vote on a Republican drafted resolution to open the place where life begins(Arcic National Wildlife Refuge) to oil drilling. The resolution may pass unless those who wish to protect the ANWR can convince a majority of U.S Senators to oppose it.

One of the last questions Winona posed to the audience was this; Is the Holy Land an exclusively European prospect? Many U.S citizens consider the Holy Lands to be based in Europe and don’t consider the places here to be legitimately sacred.

“I am not a patriot to a flag, I am a patriot to the land” Winona stated. “A society should not be based on conquest of land but on having a relationship with the land.”

Please visit the following sites to learn more about the ongoing struggle to protect sacred sites.

Owe Aku
Gwichin Steering Committee
Sacred Land
White Earth Land Recovery Project

Interior Minister resigns in Ecuador

Indigenous People are keeping the pressure on in Ecuador.

Ecuador demos prompt resignation

Indigenous communities say they will continue their protests
Ecuador's interior minister has resigned after continued nationwide protests over a possible free trade agreement with the US.
Alfredo Castillo said he was stepping down for personal reasons but also because of the government's handling of the crisis.

Protests by indigenous groups have entered a third day.

They say a pact with the US will affect their livelihood and are demanding a referendum on the issue.

Mr Castillo is the third interior minister to resign from the post in just 11 months.

The protestors have blocked major roads with burning tyres, rocks and trees.

Reports say the blockades have already led to a shortage of provisions and a rise in prices in the capital, Quito, and other central provinces.

At least six people have been arrested and 14 others injured in minor scuffles with security forces, according to police sources.

The Indians say a deal with the United States would harm their economy and their culture.

A protest leader, Cesar Umajinga, told the BBC a trade deal with the US would only benefit the wealthy.

complete article

Water is life

The ongoing struggle of the Dine'and Hopi Nations to protect their water resources was reported in USA Today.

Water key to dispute over tribes' economic future
John Ritter
USA Today
Mar. 14, 2006 08:38 AM

BLACK MESA - A new spin on an old topic - the ability of Native Americans to create self-sufficient economies - is resonating across the high desert and table-top mesas of ancient Navajo and Hopi lands.

A grass-roots coalition is promoting new ideas about economic development on reservations where more than half the adults are unemployed. The coalition urges not reopening a coal mine that provided a few high-paying jobs but creating a bigger job base in wind and solar energy.

At the heart of the dispute is water, the arid region's scarcest resource. Water's role is particularly contentious because to Hopis and Navajos, it's more than a necessity. It's sacred - Earth's first living spirit. advertisement

Coal from Black Mesa mine - 5 million tons a year - was piped 273 miles to a Nevada power plant in a slurry line with 1.3 billion gallons of Indians' drinking water. Years of pumping groundwater for the slurry depleted an aquifer that is the reservations' sole supply, the coalition says. complete article

A key organization in the fight to protect the Black Mesa water resources from the Peabody corporation has been the Black Mesa Trust.

Black Mesa Trust is also supporting a Hopi Delegation currently running to Mexico City for the International Water Forum. The runners began their journey on March 02 and are on schedule to arrive in Mexico City tomorrow.
Image hosting by Photobucket

Please visit both the Black Mesa Trust and H2OPI Run websites for more information.
Image hosting by Photobucket

2 oil company officials arrested in Bolivia

Bolivia investigating 2 oil officials for smuggling oil.

Bolivia arrests Repsol-YPF top officials

Bolivian police on Wednesday arrested and later released on bail two top Spanish oil company Repsol YPF officials charged with smuggling. The arrests came after the two men, a Spaniard and an Argentine who had been in hiding, appeared voluntarily to be questioned by prosecutors.

A company spokesman said the officials were being held at a police office in the eastern Bolivian city of Santa Cruz, and were later released on bail.
Julio Gavito, a Spanish citizen who heads Repsol YPF Bolivian unit Andina, and Argentine Pedro Sanchez, the company's Operations Director made an unexpected appearance late Tuesday at the Customs Service headquarters, where they testified for six hours.

Gavito and Sanchez had been in hiding since last Thursday when Bolivian prosecutors turned up at Repsol YPF offices in Santa Cruz with 20 police officers.

Bolivian authorities want to question Gavito and Sanchez in connection with allegations that Andina shipped 9.2 million US dollars of crude oil from Bolivia between June 2004 and July 2005 without securing the necessary authorization or paying taxes and duties, which configures “contraband”. Andina and Repsol have denied any wrongdoing. complete article

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Indigenous Guerilla Radio-Goin Coastal

Check out the Goin Coastal radio program.
Indigenous Revolutionary Radio-Tues. nights from 6-9 pm(pacific). Political, social and cultural news/music from all over Turtle Island including southern nations of Mexica/Azteca, Navajo/Dine and more. Conscious Hip Hop, Hardcore/heavy and the occasional traditional tune will be played mixed with newz and opinions from Dj Crazyfish, Dj Superchow, Dubya and investigative reporter Roots

You can listen on the net by going to their page located here- Goin Coastal

Monday, March 13, 2006

Wiyot hold vigil in memory of 1860 massacre

From Indian Country Today.

Wiyot heal their 'center of the world'
Posted: March 13, 2006
by: Wendy Kull / Today correspondent
EUREKA, Calif. - Each year, the Wiyot Tribe holds an annual candlelight vigil to remember those who lost their lives in the 1860 massacre on Indian Island, located in Humboldt Bay. The Wiyot people have held the vigil for 15 years, with members of the community and others from surrounding tribes in attendance. With solemn prayers, poems and song, it is a time of healing for all people in the area.

The massacre took place on Feb. 26, 1860, when settlers from Eureka, armed with clubs, hatchets and knives, paddled a boat quietly through the early morning hours to the island, which is the center of the Wiyot world. Hundreds of slumbering people were murdered, mostly elders, women and children.

At that particular time, the Wiyot were in the midst of their World Renewal Ceremony, which lasts about 10 days. Most of the men had left to collect supplies for the others in order to finish the ceremony. Two other Wiyot massacres also occurred that day, one at the South Spit of Humboldt Bay and another at the mouth of the Eel River.

Wiyot Chairman Cheryl Seidner, of the Table Bluff Reservation, is the great-great-granddaughter of Jerry James, the lone surviving infant of the island massacre. One of the purposes behind the annual vigil is to bring to light the fact ''that there was no justice for their deaths,'' said Seidner. complete article

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Venezuela unveils new flag

From bloomberg.com

Venezuela's Chavez Unveils New Flag to Honor Bolivar, Indians
March 12 (Bloomberg) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez unfurled a new national flag and coat of arms today that he says will honor local indigenous people and the easternmost region of the country.

Chavez added an eighth star to the red, yellow and blue flag to represent the country's Guayana region, as he said Simon Bolivar, the country's independence leader, had wanted it. Upon taking office seven years ago, Chavez also changed the name of the country, adding the word ``Bolivarian'' to it to honor Bolivar.

``Now we will able to have a free, honorable and great country,'' Chavez, 51, said at an early morning service at the Pantheon, a former Catholic church in Caracas that now holds the remains of famous Venezuelans including those of Bolivar. Chavez unveiled the new flag on the 200th anniversary of Flag Day in Venezuela, the world's fifth-largest oil exporter...

Venezuela's coat of arms, which appears in the upper left corner of the government's official flag, also was redone. Chavez turned around a white horse on the coat of arms, having him gallop to the left -- an idea he said his daughter Rosines gave him. Previously, the horse was running to the right, with its head turned back to the left.

Chavez also added tropical fruits and flowers, a bow and arrows and a machete to the coat of arms, representing Venezuela's indigenous people. Native people holding miniatures of the new flag danced in a parade in Caracas. Soldiers with their faces painted in the flag's colors marched in front of Chavez and fighter planes flew overhead. complete article

Coming to terms with Genocide

From today's opednews web edition.

Coming to Terms with Genocide
by Stephen Dinan
March 12, 2006


Last week I set the context for why America needs to delve deeper into our history to clear patterns that are contributing to our current self-centeredness. Many of these patterns have historical roots in the misuse of power, which leads towards inflationary compensation. Our founding philosophy aspires towards universal rights, which are linked to a deep respect for the potential in each of us. However, the way in which we have wielded power often does not reflect that deep respect. To understand this gap between our ideals and our embodiment of those ideals, we need to start very early in our history.

The first historical fact that has never been adequately faced, understood, and integrated is the fact that we are a country founded on genocide. We celebrate the history of our founding fathers and their noble strivings and forget that we are living on land taken from decimated peoples. The continent Europeans “discovered” had a long history of settlement, with a great diversity of societies. In1492, there were at least 10-25 million indigenous people north of Mexico (some estimates run much higher). Many of these peoples had sophisticated civilizations, mature philosophies, and advanced systems of government. Some met the European invaders with generosity, which was typically then exploited. Others fought back, which often merely hastened their demise. Within a few hundred years of conquest and disease, less than 1 million Native Americans remained.

We need to let that fact sink in: America was founded on a Native American genocide more extensive than that of Hitler’s genocide of the Jews (6 million killed). This historical fact, when soberly faced, explains a great deal about why our country’s heart is not truly open, why we are prone to compensatory arrogance, and why we struggle to live in harmonious ways. It is a massive wound that has never truly been healed. We have not confessed the damage, humbly worked towards reconciliation, and learned the deeper lessons about power this experience could teach us. The avoidance of that process keeps us in a rosy, idealized vision of ourselves that perpetuates naivete and gives license to arrogance. complete article

Friday, March 10, 2006

Western Shoshone victorious at UN

The Western Shoshone have been successful in presenting their case to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination(CERD).

U.N. panel backs Shoshone claim, says U.S. fails to respect anti-racism treaty

GENEVA (AP) - A United Nations' anti-racism panel Friday said it had evidence the U.S. government was working with industry to ride roughshod over the rights of an American Indian tribe by exploiting its ancestral land in the western United States.

The U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination ruled that the United States was failing to respect an international anti-discrimination treaty, to which it became a party in 1994.

Organizations defending the rights of the Western Shoshone hailed the decision as a victory, but the U.S. mission to the U.N. and other international organizations in Geneva had no immediate response to the decision, an official said.

"Maybe this will make the United States start looking at itself and at the problem of discrimination, and make it start to look at us as people instead of subhumans," said Western Shoshone delegate Bernice Lalo. "We feel the decision will be helpful by opening the door. We will continue this struggle to give our children a better chance." complete article

In response to the CERD decision, Bernince Lalo (Western Shoshone) states
"We are Shoshone delegates speaking for a Nation threatened by extinction. The mines are polluting our waters, destroying hot springs and exploding sacred mountains-our burials along with them--attempting to erase our signature on the land. We are coerced and threatened by mining and Federal agencies when we seek to continue spiritual prayers for traditional food or medicine on Shoshone land. We have endured murder of our Newe people for centuries, as chronicled in military records, but now we are asked to endure a more painful death from the U.S. governmental agencies -- a separation from land and spiritual renewal. We thank our past leaders for their persistence and courage and the CERD for this monumental step." complete article

To read the CERD report, click on the following link- Western Shoshone decision

Tulalip Nation enforce 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott

The Tulalip Nation has begun to enforce the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott.

Tulalips slap rules on beach property
Nontribal homeowners may challenge policy in court * The tribe claims authority over tidelands, even those adjacent to private property.

By Krista J. Kapralos
Herald Writer

Kevin Nortz / The Herald
Under new policies adopted Thursday by the Tulalip Tribes, these wooden pilings on Mission Beach will have to be leased through the tribes if residents want to use them to secure their boats."If we fail to take care of these sacred lands, they will only be a memory," said Bill Shelton, chairman of the tribal planning commission.

The board of directors passed the historic edict with little discussion and no fanfare. The document, three years in the making, is the first of its kind in Tulalip history.

It assumes tribal ownership of reservation beaches from the extreme low-water mark to the mean high-water mark - a claim that angers nontribal homeowners who say their deeds show that their property extends to the low-water mark. complete article

The policies of the Tulalip Nation are to be enacted immediately.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Natives targetted by right wing media

The following article recounts some of the latest attacks against our northern relatives by the right wing media. The same situation exists here and there is a growing alliance, between native peoples, to counter these attacks.

Right-wing media targetted by Aboriginal groups, leaders

by FP Staff

From the defenders of Alberta Premier Ralph Klein's Métis wife, to national and provincial First Nations leaders, Aboriginal representatives are fighting back against right-wing elements in the media.

Two of the media heavyweights bulls-eyed for counteroffensives are Ezra Levant, publisher of the Western Standard, and David Asper, an owner of the National Post.

In February, Levant's Calgary-based magazine found itself in the middle of a racial storm for the second time in less than a month when it printed comments that Colleen Klein would be "just another Indian" after husband Ralph stopped being premier.

Muriel Stanley Venne of the Institute of Advancement of Aboriginal Women said that comment was very hurtful and since then other Aboriginal groups have joined her in criticizing publication of the remark, which the Western Standard attributed to anonymous sources. complete article

Erasing a tribute to Latino Heroes

Column by Cindy Rodgriguez

Paint smears the dignity of Latino heroes
By Cindy Rodríguez
Denver Post Staff Columnist

The face of Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzáles is gone. Brush strokes of blue paint were smeared over his image, erasing a memorial to the father of the Chicano Civil Rights movement.

Along with Gonzáles, other historical figures - Emiliano Zapata, Father Miguel Hidalgo, Pancho Villa, Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera - vanished from a wall at the Longmont Youth Center.

The 4-month-old mural, painted by a couple of teenagers with the help of two former youth center staffers, has been replaced with a meaningless bright-blue wall.

It depicts nothing. It signifies nothing. Apparently, that's the way some Longmont officials like it. complete article

Police accountability march this Saturday

Denver CopWatch
Press Advisory
For Immediate Release

Police Accountability March and Rally on Saturday
Begins at 1pm at Skyline Park and the 16th St. Mall
with Rally at City & County Building

Denver: 3/9/06 Denver CopWatch will hold a march and Rally on Saturday, March 11, calling for increased police accountability. The march will begin just after 1pm at Skyline Park and the 16th St. Mall and proceed to a rally to be held on the east side of the City & County Building.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Navajo still waiting on uranium cleanup

From the Gallup Independent

Residents tell of mining's tragic impact

By Kathy Helms
Diné Bureau

CHURCH ROCK, N.M. — Ed Carlisle of Church Rock Chapter used to sit in the back of the wagon and go with his grandfather to haul water. "He'd park in the lake and he would give me water to put in the barrel, and I had this barrel covered with a piece of cloth," he said.

"He used to pour the water in the barrel to get the tadpoles out. Now, we're pretty much doing the same thing. Water is really precious and scarce," Carlisle told U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and New Mexico Environment Department, and Navajo Nation EPA officials, who were at the chapter Friday to listen to community concerns regarding cleanup of the Northeast Church Rock Mine.

But this time, it's not tadpoles in the water they're worried about. It's radionuclides and heavy metals. And it's been there for years. So many years, in fact, Navajo residents were not necessarily impressed with EPA's accelerated cleanup plan, which ideally would wipe clean nearly 40 years of uranium mining in the area in one year.

Community member Robert Dodson told EPA, "The reason I wanted to come here today is to tell the people that are not from around here that there is a big issue about this uranium" that those "from 'civilization,' where you people are from," don't see. complete article

Prairie Island seeks nuclear wast disposal

From the web edition of Indian Country Today.

Prairie Island seeks nuclear waste disposal
Posted: March 07, 2006
by: David Melmer / Indian Country Today

WELCH, Minn. - The Prairie Island Sioux Community continues its search for a location to dump nuclear waste that sits in dry casks just yards from the community.

Since 1994, when the casks were first placed on a dock at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (then owned by Northern States Power Co.), the community has objected, gone to court and eventually worked out compromises with the state Legislature and NSP. Yet the dry casks remain, unwelcome and a threat to thousands of lives.

The Prairie Island tribal council has visited the Yucca Mountain facility before, but recently revisited it for the second time in four years to see what progress has been made. The on-again, off-again site that is under construction to house all of the nation's nuclear waste will take more years to complete than the Prairie Island people anticipated. Tribal council members told Indian Country Today that the facility may not be complete until 2025. (The site was originally slated for completion in 2010; later, 2015.)

The site's opening has been delayed because of federal budget cuts and litigation over environmental issues. The Yucca Mountain site is also strongly opposed by some Western Shoshone who call it a human rights violation and have appealed to the United Nations for intervention.

The Prairie Island Sioux Community will continue to fight to remove the nuclear waste, even through numerous setbacks, said Victoria Winfrey, tribal vice president.

''Native land could be permanently marred by the nation's failed waste policy,'' she said.
Full article

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cafe Cultura this Friday-March 10

Come Check out Cafe Cultura this Friday, March 10.

Café Cultura (www.myspace.com/cafecultura )

Open Mic Night Spoken Word Hip Hop Visual Arts Poesia/Poetry FREE!!!!

Red and Brown Unity

WHEN: 2nd Fri. of every month @ 7:30 pm
( March 10th, April 14th)
WHERE: Denver Inner City Parish
9th Ave & Galapago St.
(2 blks east of Santa Fe on the NE corner)
WHAT: All ages Open Mic Night

March Feature: Anne-Erika Whitebird

Come express yourself creatively or just chill with your people
Everyone is welcome!
For more info: cafe_cultura@yahoo.com; 720-436-1830

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Navajo Nation's ongoing battle against uranium mining

From the website of Eastern Navajo Dine Against Uranium Mining - Concerned Citizens of T'iistsooz-Nideeshgizh(ENDAUM)

The History of ENDAUM-CCT
ENDAUM-CCT, is a citizens group representing two Navajo communities. These two communities, Crownpoint and Churchrock, New Mexico, are threatened by a proposed uranium* solution project that could contaminate the only source of drinking water for 15,000 people.

This citizen group has raised public awareness about the projects, and has generated a large amount of publicity on the Navajo Nation as well as off the reservation.

The company, Hydro Resources, Inc., has proposed to mine in four areas near the communities of Crownpoint and Churchrock. The uranium would not be removed by the previous traditional open-pit mining or shaft mining. The uranium would be removed by a process called In-situ Leach (ISL) mining. this type of mining includes the process of drilling holes in the ground, to the aquifer and injecting the water with chemicals that would "leach", or strip the uranium from the host rock (sandstone lined aquifer). The ISL mining method deliberately contaminates the ground water in the mining zone. At the present time Crownpoint has a pristine aquifer which provides pristine water to 15,000 people. These people come from all over the Eastern Navajo Agency to get water for everyday uses, such as cooking, drinking, cleaning, bathing and feeding livestock.

to learn more, please visit their website at- ENDAUM

Also, Democracy Now focused on this struggle as they broadcasted from Albuquerque, NM. To watch this segment or read the transcript, please go to the following link- DEMOCRACY NOW

Honor the earth, IMPACTED NATIONS, art exhibit

Impacted Nations is an art exhibit developed and organized by Honor the Earth
Art: Forever Indian
Politics, pollution and the past haunt and inspire a powerful new show of contemporary American Indian art.
Mary Abbe, Star Tribune
Last update: March 02, 2006 – 3:27 PM

Fresh air, clean water, fertile soil, sunny days. The gifts of a bountiful Earth are simple, familiar and often threatened. For American Indians, whose traditional lifestyles and spiritual values are rooted in the cosmos, the environmental devastation wrought by many aspects of contemporary life tears a hole in the very fabric of existence.
Many of the environmental traumas that appear today in communities nationwide -- from polluted water to toxic waste dumps and nuclear fallout -- have plagued reservation lands for decades.

In "Impacted Nations," a proud and informative show of more than 50 paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture, more than 40 Indian artists grapple with environmental and spiritual themes. Organized by Honor the Earth, an Indian foundation and political advocacy organization based in Minneapolis, the show runs through April 15 at Ancient Traders Gallery in south Minneapolis.

Beautifully rendered in a rich variety of styles -- from traditional painting to contemporary ledger drawings and colorful Pop-style images -- the art has a tough-minded political edge that sharpens its impact. Helpful text panels explain the tribal history and legends behind many of the images. Beyond raising consciousness about environmental issues, the show provides a meandering road map to policy change, proposing that renewable wind and solar power replace such energy sources as coal, oil and nuclear power......

Across the country, reservation lands have been exploited and abused by industries seeking copper, coal, uranium, oil, wood, water and other resources. The politics are complicated and the treaties and government policies rarely straightforward, as many of the artists' texts explain. Jack Malotte, a Western Shoshone who lives near a nuclear test site in Nevada, used images of glittering, lyrically beautiful mushroom clouds and missiles rising from the desert to illustrate what his homeland would look like as a nuclear "ground zero." More bitterly, Navajo painter Brando Welhelm shows a Hopi maiden attacked by top-hatted "war pigs" on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. The painting, he explains, is a parody of an incendiary 1804 anti-Indian picture by John Vanderlyn. full article

Honor the Earth's mission statement
Our mission is to create awareness and support for Native environmental issues and to develop needed financial and political resources for the survival of sustainable Native communities. Honor the Earth develops these resources by using music, the arts, the media, and Indigenous wisdom to ask people to recognize our joint dependency on the Earth and be a voice for those not heard.

Honor the Earth describes Impacted Nations as "an artistic collaboration that portrays the conflict between Native peoples' cultural and spiritual relationship to the earth and the political and economic forces that undermine that relationship and our ways of life. As you will see in the artists' interpretations of dams, oil exploration, coal mining, and nuclear power, the United States energy policy has, for decades, negatively impacted our communities."

Image hosting by PhotobucketHindsight is Always 20/20
Alyssa Hinton, Tuscarora

Image hosting by PhotobucketUranium Womyn 238
LisaNa Red Bear, Apache/Xicana/Andalusia

Image hosting by PhotobucketNatural Resource Management
Bunky Echo-Hawk, Pawnee/Yakama

Image hosting by PhotobucketProduced Water: Salt the Earth
America Meredith, Cherokee

Image hosting by PhotobucketThe End
Jack Malotte, Western Shoshone

Image hosting by PhotobucketOn the Steps of Congress
Brando Welhelm, Navajo

Please visit Honor the Earth at their website-Honor the Earth