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American Indian Movement of Colorado

Spirituality • Self-determination • Solidarity • Sobriety
Colorado AIM home page

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Colorado AIM joins forces with "Save the Peaks" to March for Respect for Indigenous Spiritual Freedom

On Saturday, March 25, 2006, members of Colorado AIM joined with members of the Save The Peaks Coalition, and Youth of the Peaks, to march in Flagstaff, AZ for spiritual freedom for indigenous peoples. The march was also joined by hundreds of participants from the National MeCHA Chicano student's convention, held at Northern Arizona University. March organizers estimated that 1200-1500 people participated in the rally that protested the continuing desecration of indigenous peoples' sacred sites in northern Arizona. Of particular concern is the operation of the Snow Bowl Ski area, near Flagstaff, that denigrates sacred mountains, known in english as the San Francisco Peaks.The ongoing efforts of Save the Peaks are discussed here.

Saturday's rally brought together people from as far away as California, Alaska, Colorado and Mexico. For a more detailed report,check out Arizona Indy Media here:
AZ Indy Media

Members of Colorado AIM had a great time working with native youth from across the Southwest. The energy and organization of Save the Peaks/Youth of the Peaks was an inspiration to our own organizing efforts. We were able to inform other indigenous activists of the upcoming actions in Denver against Newmont Mining on April 25th Stop Newmont action, and we look forward to working in alliance on issues of indigenous peoples' liberation in the future.


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