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American Indian Movement of Colorado

Spirituality • Self-determination • Solidarity • Sobriety
Colorado AIM home page

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Colorado AIM Press Release


Denver, CO 



Dr. Tink Tinker (303) 229-7756 – Elder’s Council representative
Colorado AIM – 303-871-0463 

The Elder’s Council and the Leadership Council of the American Indian Movement (AIM) of Colorado confirm our support for Ward Churchill as a member of our chapter, and as a member of the Leadership Council of Colorado AIM. Colorado AIM further condemns the transparent, racist attacks against Churchill by those who seek to silence alternative voices. While Churchill’s particular statements about events of September 11, 2001 were his personal views, his broader critical analysis of U.S. domestic and foreign policy is consistent with Colorado AIM’s perspective.

Colorado AIM is one of the largest and most active AIM chapters in the United States. Our strength, power and authority springs from our spirituality, from the example of our ancestors, and from the members of our community who embrace our principles.

We neither recognize, nor do we accept, the dictates of any person or persons who pretend to speak for us. Any person or entity that purports to speak on behalf of Colorado AIM other than our Elder’s Council or the Leadership Council, is being dishonest. Each AIM chapter is independent and autonomous, and our authority emerges from the voice of the people in our community, and we support Ward Churchill.

Ward Churchill has been an important member and leader of the American Indian Movement (AIM) of Colorado since at least 1984. His analysis of U.S. law and policy has been an essential tool in educating both indigenous and non-indigenous people on the history and the current circumstances of native peoples in the Americas. Ward has been tireless in his defense of indigenous peoples’ aspirations for freedom and justice around the world, and we applaud him for his numerous contributions.

Colorado AIM is painfully familiar with racist attacks against our movement, and against individuals in our movement, of which this is simply the most recent. We do not have to agree with every statement, or with every position that members of our chapter take in order to rally to their support when they are subject to an unprincipled, anti-Indian lynch mobs.

Churchill is not under attack because of a couple of statements that he made about the events of September 11, 2001. He is under attack because he has exposed the pain and the suffering caused by U.S. domestic and foreign policy. He does so without apology, and from the perspective of an indigenous scholar. He is under attack by racists who would prefer to silence indigenous voices altogether, and who would erase the history of indigenous peoples from the memory of the Western Hemisphere.

Our view of Ward Churchill is not through the lens of a few sentences taken out of context for calculated purposes. Our view is of an indigenous man who has devoted decades of his life to the defense of indigenous peoples’ self-determination and freedom.

The fact is not lost on us that the attacks on Churchill began immediately after the acquittal of him and others in the Columbus Day trials in Denver. Colorado AIM is proud of the actions of Churchill and the other Columbus Day resisters. We will continue our efforts to remove the slave-trading, Indian killer Columbus as a national hero, and we will continue with our numerous other initiatives to promote indigenous peoples’ freedom.

We are especially mindful of Governor Bill Owens’ hypocritical statements condemning Churchill. By making such statements, Owens takes his place along side other racist governors such as John Evans, one of the main instigators of the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864. Just this past fall, Owens had the audacity to refer to the Cheyenne and Arapaho people as “blackmailers” and “extortionists” for their economic development plan in Colorado. Now, he is attacking one of the few tenured American Indian professors in the state, using such McCarthyist claims that Churchill is “un-American” and a “terrorist defender.” Owens should immediately apologize to Churchill, and should keep his uniformed and ignorant statements to himself.

We also call on the Board of Regents for the University of Colorado to respect their own rules on academic freedom, and to affirm Ward Churchill’s right to speak openly and freely as a scholar and a freethinker, and to continue his duties as one of the few indigenous academics in the University of Colorado system. 


At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh grow up already. People are laughing at you.

At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is strange that many US "Americans" don't know what it is to be a US American. Judge Owens is a typical WASP, which is the mainstream society in the "USA". His perversity as a racist and a bigot, uses double standards. Most like him are mentally challenged. You should be proud to have a learned and intelligent man as Professor Churchill. Maybe that's why the so-called US "Americans" feel threatened by his truthful words. It's common knowledge that the USA is a white supremacist country sans honor, integrity and morality. We Hawaii Nationals expect the USA to de-occupy our country; we never wanted them here, they invaded our independent nation and we consider them dishonorable, shameful, arrogant, hateful, and laughable.

At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanx for giving me an email address to write to in support of Ward Churchill.

We must all hang together, etc.
(is Franklin persona non grata here? ;)

At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a German I will always feel deeply shameful for one of the greatest organised mass murder in human history which the German State was responsable for in the Second World War. In spite of its extreme brutality and criminality, the killing of millions of Jews, Gipsies, Communists, etc., was not a genocide. The Jewish and the Gipsy people are still alive.

It is a privilege of nations like the US, Brazil, Spain, England, etc. to have killed whole peoples. They succeeded genocides, whiped out entire peoples and civilisations.

But I don't want to blame or to excuse anybody. The whole European Civilisation of the last 600 years bears such an extreme aggressivity that genocides and holocausts should not surprise us.

Is this a speciality of the European culture? No and 1000 times no!!!

All this is in the human nature, in the human soul. Only, the now worldwide dominating form of the European Civilisation, the soulless and merciless Capitalism and Technology put all this to such a degree, to such a quantity, THAT WE ALL CAN SEE IT CLEARLY NOW, if we don't lie to ourselves. We (those who somehow participate in the worldwide ruling "system") are all potential "Eichmanns".

We need people like Ward Churchill to get aware of it. And those who know and nevertheless continue as if they did not know are criminals, not less, but also not more than Eichmann.

Thank you Mr. Churchill

At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Thank You.

Mr. Churchill for speaking your mind. I wrote in ur defense at www.newtrend.org. It is important for meto defend your right to freedom of speech.

Much love to all the brothers and sisters in AIM.

Ather Masood

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Churchill for saying it as you see it. In my CJUS class the day after 9/11 we talked about what happened in New York and my thoughts where the "chicken's have finally come home to roost", this doesn't concern me a (Native American), America is finally getting it, what goes around finally comes around. Beverly in South Dakota, a USD Student

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those who focus on Professor Ward's job application are desperate to refocus the freedom-of-speech issue on a red herring. There are countries where such people can live--where free speech is non-existent and where expression of thought contrary to the ruling powers is punished. Colorado is dangerously close to becoming one of those oppressive places. Professor Churchill is defending the rights of all of us to engage in debate that challenges the status quo.

At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why have you come out in support of Prof. Churchill when the AIM Grand Governing Council is so vehemently opposed to him, as they have stated at www.aimovement.org/moipr/churchill05.html? These are the men who FOUNDED AIM and who have spent all of their adult lives fighting for the rights of true Native American peoples. For you to support a man who "fraudulently represented himself as an Indian, and a member of the American Indian Movement, a situation that has lifted him into the position of a lecturer on Indian activism" (D. Banks)is truly frightening. There is no doubt that the First Amendment needs to be protected. But I know for a fact that there are many Native Americans who deserve to have you and your chapter fight for their rights to speak openly and honestly about the atrocities that have happened against the indigenous peoples of this country; Wade Churchill is just not one of them. By supporting this man, you are not defending the rights of Native Americans. You are giving credence to the words of a hateful man who is a fraud. I can't imagine that that was or is your attention. Please reconsider any ongoing support of this man. Please follow the lead of the Grand Governing Council. There are many good fights to fight out there. This is not one of them!

At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why have you come out in support of Prof. Churchill when the AIM Grand Governing Council is so vehemently opposed to him, as they have stated at www.aimovement.org/moipr/churchill05.html? These are the men who FOUNDED AIM and who have spent all of their adult lives fighting for the rights of true Native American peoples. For you to support a man who "fraudulently represented himself as an Indian, and a member of the American Indian Movement, a situation that has lifted him into the position of a lecturer on Indian activism" (D. Banks)is truly frightening. There is no doubt that the First Amendment needs to be protected. But I know for a fact that there are many Native Americans who deserve to have you and your chapter fight for their rights to speak openly and honestly about the atrocities that have happened against the indigenous peoples of this country; Wade Churchill is just not one of them. By supporting this man, you are not defending the rights of Native Americans. You are giving credence to the words of a hateful man who is a fraud. I can't imagine that that was or is your attention. Please reconsider any ongoing support of this man. Please follow the lead of the Grand Governing Council. There are many good fights to fight out there. This is not one of them!

At 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why have you come out in support of Prof. Churchill when the AIM Grand Governing Council is so vehemently opposed to him, as they have stated at www.aimovement.org/moipr/churchill05.html? These are the men who FOUNDED AIM and who have spent all of their adult lives fighting for the rights of true Native American peoples. For you to support a man who "fraudulently represented himself as an Indian, and a member of the American Indian Movement, a situation that has lifted him into the position of a lecturer on Indian activism" (D. Banks)is truly frightening. There is no doubt that the First Amendment needs to be protected. But I know for a fact that there are many Native Americans who deserve to have you and your chapter fight for their rights to speak openly and honestly about the atrocities that have happened against the indigenous peoples of this coutrly; Wade Churchill is just not one of them. By supporting this man, you are not defending the rights of Native Americans. You are giving credence to the words of a hateful man who is a fraud. I can't imagine that that was or is your attention. Please reconsider any ongoing support of this man. Please follow the lead of the Grand Governing Council. There are many good fights to fight out there. This is not one of them!

At 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why have you come out in support of Prof. Churchill when the AIM Grand Governing Council is so vehemently opposed to him, as they have stated at www.aimovement.org/moipr/churchill05.html? These are the men who FOUNDED AIM and who have spent all of their adult lives fighting for the rights of true Native American peoples. For you to support a man who "fraudulently represented himself as an Indian, and a member of the American Indian Movement, a situation that has lifted him into the position of a lecturer on Indian activism" (D. Banks)is truly frightening. There is no doubt that the First Amendment needs to be protected. But I know for a fact that there are many Native Americans who deserve to have you and your chapter fight for their rights to speak openly and honestly about the atrocities that have happened against the indigenous peoples of this coutrly; Wade Churchill is just not one of them. By supporting this man, you are not defending the rights of Native Americans. You are giving credence to the words of a hateful man who is a fraud. I can't imagine that that was or is your attention. Please reconsider any ongoing support of this man. Please follow the lead of the Grand Governing Council. There are many good fights to fight out there. This is not one of them!

At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why have you come out in support of Prof. Churchill when the AIM Grand Governing Council is so vehemently opposed to him, as they have stated at www.aimovement.org/moipr/churchill05.html? These are the men who FOUNDED AIM and who have spent all of their adult lives fighting for the rights of true Native American peoples. For you to support a man who "fraudulently represented himself as an Indian, and a member of the American Indian Movement, a situation that has lifted him into the position of a lecturer on Indian activism" (D. Banks)is truly frightening. There is no doubt that the First Amendment needs to be protected. But I know for a fact that there are many Native Americans who deserve to have you and your chapter fight for their rights to speak openly and honestly about the atrocities that have happened against the indigenous peoples of this country; Wade Churchill is just not one of them. By supporting this man, you are not defending the rights of Native Americans. You are giving credence to the words of a hateful man who is a fraud. I can't imagine that that was or is your attention. Please reconsider any ongoing support of this man. Please follow the lead of the Grand Governing Council. There are many good fights to fight out there. This is not one of them!

At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why have you come out in support of Prof. Churchill when the AIM Grand Governing Council is so vehemently opposed to him, as they have stated at www.aimovement.org/moipr/churchill05.html? These are the men who FOUNDED AIM and who have spent all of their adult lives fighting for the rights of true Native American peoples. For you to support a man who "fraudulently represented himself as an Indian, and a member of the American Indian Movement, a situation that has lifted him into the position of a lecturer on Indian activism" (D. Banks)is truly frightening. There is no doubt that the First Amendment needs to be protected. But I know for a fact that there are many Native Americans who deserve to have you and your chapter fight for their rights to speak openly and honestly about the atrocities that have happened against the indigenous peoples of this country; Wade Churchill is just not one of them. By supporting this man, you are not defending the rights of Native Americans. You are giving credence to the words of a hateful man who is a fraud. I can't imagine that that was or is your attention. Please reconsider any ongoing support of this man. Please follow the lead of the Grand Governing Council. There are many good fights to fight out there. This is not one of them!

At 12:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why have you come out in support of Prof. Churchill when the AIM Grand Governing Council is so vehemently opposed to him, as they have stated at www.aimovement.org/moipr/churchill05.html? These are the men who FOUNDED AIM and who have spent all of their adult lives fighting for the rights of true Native American peoples. For you to support a man who "fraudulently represented himself as an Indian, and a member of the American Indian Movement, a situation that has lifted him into the position of a lecturer on Indian activism" (D. Banks)is truly frightening. There is no doubt that the First Amendment needs to be protected. But I know for a fact that there are many Native Americans who deserve to have you and your chapter fight for their rights to speak openly and honestly about the atrocities that have happened against the indigenous peoples of this country; Wade Churchill is just not one of them. By supporting this man, you are not defending the rights of Native Americans. You are giving credence to the words of a hateful man who is a fraud. I can't imagine that that was or is your attention. Please reconsider any ongoing support of this man. Please follow the lead of the Grand Governing Council. There are many good fights to fight out there. This is not one of them!

At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ward,

You were counted absent here at home during Green Corn Ceremony. All Mvskoke men should be here before they may speak out for the next year, why are you not following the original instructions?


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