Post and News articles about Ward
The Post relegated the acquittals of the C-day Defenders, the dismissals and the subsequent press conferenece to the B section, but today, their article about Ward appears on their front page. It's too bad that the Post editors didn't read Ward's essay a few years ago, when it actually came out, so they could have been more timely with their breaking front page news. Three years later and the story finally breaks in the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News. Could it be that last weeks acquittal of Ward had something to do with this "late breaking" 3 year old story? Notice how all of the articles mention the acquittal.
By Howard Pankratz
Denver Post Staff Writer
Two Colorado congressmen demanded Thursday that a University of Colorado professor apologize for comparing victims of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attack to Nazis.
But professor Ward Churchill, chairman of the ethnic studies department at CU- Boulder, said he wouldn't back off his statement that the victims were "little Eichmanns."
His comparison of the victims to Adolph Eichmann, who managed the Nazi plan to exterminate Jews, has split New York's Hamilton College, where Churchill is scheduled to speak on a panel next week.Full Article
The following article is from the Rocky Mountain News.
Churchill a lightning rod
CU prof at center of 9/11 dispute has been there before
By Charlie Brennan, Rocky Mountain News
January 28, 2005
So, people are mad at Ward Churchill. What else is new?
For a man who has weathered anonymous death threats telephoned to his home, the latest turmoil is comparatively tame.
Churchill, chairman of the Ethnic Studies Department at the University of Colorado, is at the center of controversy - again. This time it's students at Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., upset about his scheduled appearance there next week.
They are disturbed by an essay Churchill wrote in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks suggesting they were justified.
In an essay written the day after the attacks, Some People Push Back: On the Justice Of Roosting Chickens, he said America was merely reaping what it had sown through a long history of violent domination and assault upon indigenous peoplefull article
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