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American Indian Movement of Colorado

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Thursday, January 27, 2005

"The Ghosts of 9-1-1" essay by Ward Churchill

The Ghosts of 9-1-1
by Ward Churchill

Reflections on History, Justice and Roosting Chickens

As ye sow, so shall ye reap

September 11, 2001, will now and forever be emblazoned in the shorthand of popular consciousness as a correlation to the emergency dialing sequence, "9-1-1." On that date, a rapid but tremendous series of assaults were carried out against the paramount symbols of America's global military/economic dominance, the Pentagon and the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center (WTC), leaving about one-fifth of the former in ruins and the latter in a state of utter obliteration. Initially, it was claimed that as many as 5,000 U.S. citizens were killed, along with 78 British nationals, come to do business in the WTC, and perhaps 300 other "aliens," the majority of them undocumented, assigned to scrub the Boors and wash the windows of empire.

Even before the first of the Trade Center's towers had collapsed, the "news" media, as yet possessed of no hint as to who may have carried out the attacks, much less why they might have done so, were already and repeatedly proclaiming the whole thing "unprovoked" and "senseless." Within a week, the assailants having meanwhile been presumably identified, Newsweek had recast the initial assertions of its colleagues in the form of a query bespeaking the aura of wide-eyed innocence in which the country was by then, as always, seeking to cloak itself. "Why, the magazine's cover whined from every newsstand, "do they hate us so much?"

The question was and remains boggling in its temerity, so much so that after a lifetime of spelling out the reasons, one is tempted to respond with a certain weary cynicism, perhaps repeating Malcolm X's penetrating observation about chickens coming home to roost and leaving it at that. Still, mindful of the hideous human costs attending the propensity of Good Americans, like Good Germans, to dodge responsibility by anchoring professions of innocence in claims of near-total ignorance concerning the crimes of their corporate state, one feels obliged to try and deny them the option of such pretense. It is thus necessary that at least a few of those whose ravaged souls settled in upon the WTC and the Pentagon be named.

At the front of the queue were the wraiths of a half-million Iraqi children, all of them under twelve, all starved to death or forced to die for lack of basic sanitation and/or medical treatment during the past ten years. These youngsters suffered and died because the U.S. first systematically bombed their country's water purification, sewage treatment and pharmaceutical plants out of existence, then imposed a decade-long--and presently ongoing--embargo to ensure that Iraq would be unable to repair or replace most of what had been destroyed.4 The point of this carefully calculated mass murder, as was explained at the outset by then-President George Herbert Walker Bush, father of the current Oval Office occupant, has been to impress upon the Iraqi government--and the rest of the world as well--that "what we say, goes."5

In other words, though no less bluntly: "Do as you're told or we'll kill your babies."Full essay


At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one could care less about anything that your group stands for when you support a man like Mr. Churchill. Anyone that compares 9/11 victims to Nazis has some serious problems. Is Mr. Churchill a Nazi because he participates in a capitalist economy? Not everyone that was murdered on 9/11 were engaging in corporate crimes. Thankfully no one pays any attention to what Mr. Churchill has to say - he is simply profiteering from the fact that he is an Indian. The only reason he even has a job at CU is due to his ethnicity, it certainly is not because of his ideas. Shame on all of you.

At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's obvious that you care what Colorado AIM is doing or else you would not have bothered to come to this website and leave a comment. You have some gall trying to lecture to people who's stolen land you live on and in who's name current, let me say that again, CURRENT government policy is being carried out that further attempts to legalize the theft of lands and resources rightfully belonging to Indigenous Peoples. I can anticipate your next comment will be one in which you will proclaim that you have a distant relative who happened to be an American Indian.

At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Run to the hills, run for your lives!

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

feeling like a freak on a leash?

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you play cowboys and indians, who wins?

At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is imposing sanctions on a country the same as blowing up 3 buildings? This guy is off his rocker.I think the underlying reason for his remarks are due to the fact that his ancestors were defeated by the greedy bastards that took their land.

At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the person who said "No one could care less about anything that your group stands for when you support a man like Mr. Churchill. Anyone that compares 9/11 victims to Nazis has some serious problems." Perhaps if you actually knew that Churchill was talking about when he called people "little Eichmann" your claim may have some validity. DO you even know what he meant? I shall tell you. He meant that Eichmann was engendering a form of willed ignorance regarding his actions in the Nazi Party. Eichmann claimed he didnt know what he was signing when he green-lighted the 'final solution' at trial. People claimed that he did know but was in self-deception. Similarly, the people working for the WTC knew that their actions were harming people outside of the US. For example, Shell pollutes and kills etc, etc... But the people working for WTC told themselves they couldnt do anything about it and they ignored the problem continuing with their work. Hence, he referred to them as little eichmann's, not because they are natzies but because they are in self-deception. Kind-of like how you are since you choose to ignore the context of his claim ...

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the person who said "No one could care less about anything that your group stands for when you support a man like Mr. Churchill. Anyone that compares 9/11 victims to Nazis has some serious problems." Perhaps if you actually knew that Churchill was talking about when he called people "little Eichmann" your claim may have some validity. DO you even know what he meant? I shall tell you. He meant that Eichmann was engendering a form of willed ignorance regarding his actions in the Nazi Party. Eichmann claimed he didnt know what he was signing when he green-lighted the 'final solution' at trial. People claimed that he did know but was in self-deception. Similarly, the people working for the WTC knew that their actions were harming people outside of the US. For example, Shell pollutes and kills etc, etc... But the people working for WTC told themselves they couldnt do anything about it and they ignored the problem continuing with their work. Hence, he referred to them as little eichmann's, not because they are natzies but because they are in self-deception. Kind-of like how you are since you choose to ignore the context of his claim ...

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the person who said "No one could care less about anything that your group stands for when you support a man like Mr. Churchill. Anyone that compares 9/11 victims to Nazis has some serious problems." Perhaps if you actually knew that Churchill was talking about when he called people "little Eichmann" your claim may have some validity. DO you even know what he meant? I shall tell you. He meant that Eichmann was engendering a form of willed ignorance regarding his actions in the Nazi Party. Eichmann claimed he didnt know what he was signing when he green-lighted the 'final solution' at trial. People claimed that he did know but was in self-deception. Similarly, the people working for the WTC knew that their actions were harming people outside of the US. For example, Shell pollutes and kills etc, etc... But the people working for WTC told themselves they couldnt do anything about it and they ignored the problem continuing with their work. Hence, he referred to them as little eichmann's, not because they are natzies but because they are in self-deception. Kind-of like how you are since you choose to ignore the context of his claim ...

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the person who said "No one could care less about anything that your group stands for when you support a man like Mr. Churchill. Anyone that compares 9/11 victims to Nazis has some serious problems." Perhaps if you actually knew that Churchill was talking about when he called people "little Eichmann" your claim may have some validity. DO you even know what he meant? I shall tell you. He meant that Eichmann was engendering a form of willed ignorance regarding his actions in the Nazi Party. Eichmann claimed he didnt know what he was signing when he green-lighted the 'final solution' at trial. People claimed that he did know but was in self-deception. Similarly, the people working for the WTC knew that their actions were harming people outside of the US. For example, Shell pollutes and kills etc, etc... But the people working for WTC told themselves they couldnt do anything about it and they ignored the problem continuing with their work. Hence, he referred to them as little eichmann's, not because they are natzies but because they are in self-deception. Kind-of like how you are since you choose to ignore the context of his claim ...

At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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