No roads through Sacred Land-Nov 20 action
From the Sage Counil:
As the City of Albuquerque commemorates its tricentennial, acelebration of our multicultural heritage, it simultaneously begins construction of the Paseo Del Norte road extension through thePetroglyph National Monument, a Native American
sacred site.
SAGE Council asks your participation in a March to Give Homage to the Petroglyphs, to commemorate those who have fought
this 10-year struggle and to acknowledge the difficult work of sacred sites protection here and elsewhere.
We ask our friends and allies to join us as we pay our respects to this sacred place, commemorate the years of
struggle we have endured together and celebrate over 300 years of survival.
Action Details
WHEN: Sunday, November 20th, 2005
TIME: 1:00pm - 4:30pm
WHERE:The March begins at Pueblo Montano Park at the entrance to the bosque open space, off Montano just east of Coors.
The March will culminate with a rally at the Petroglyphs with speakers, prayers and song.
For more information on the history to protect the Petroglyphs as well as the action, please visit the Sage Council
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