Adrienne and the Color of Justice.
Today's edition of the Denver Post(9/20/02) has an article about Adrienne Benavidez and her work with the Color of Justice. Adrienne, an attorney, is the Executive Director of the Color of Justice, an organization that will "engage in public policy advocacy and legislative analysis, provide legal referrals, representation and advocacy and help train new community leaders"
Color of Justice was instrumental, along with Colorado AIM, in advocating for, and ultimately succeeding in winning the concessions from the City of Boulder after Boulder law enforcement disrupted a sweat lodge ceremony on New Years.
Adrienne has also been key to organizing, and implementing, the legal defense of Transform Columbus Day members who have been arrested for protesting against the Columbus Convoy of Conquest. In 2000, almost every single charge was dismissed, against 150 defendants, due to the effective legal challenges that undercut the prosecution by city attorneys.
Toward the end of the article, the reporter mentions the efforts by Denver cops to have Adrienne dismissed from the Police Safety Review Commission as well as noting that her work with the ACLU and connections with Transform Columbus Day members has angered the cops. It's obvious that the reporter asked some Denver cops for their opinions about Adrienne. Their opinions found there way into the article but it's sort of amusing to note that none of them were willing to give their names. Those brave Denver Cops for you.
Check out the article.
Lawyer, activist sees color of justice
By Sean Kelly
Denver Post Staff Writer
Growing up in northeast Denver, Adrienne Benavidez knew people were afraid of the police.
With good reason, she said. Minorities were treated differently, she said, and often were unfairly targeted because of the color of their skin.
"It was a fear of police," Benavidez said. "People of color had to teach their children a different way of dealing with police."
Her experience colored her work as a lawyer, leading her to become an outspoken advocate and community activist. full article
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