articles july 28
Activities lead up to Sacred Run
The Apache Spirit of the Mountain runners are proud to announce activities for the Mt. Graham 2004 Sacred Run which began in San Carlos last Sunday (July 25).
The runners would like to thank Cibecue residents and the family of Anthony and Jennifer Hoffman, who did an outstanding job hosting the 2001 and 2002 Sacred Runs as well as the Pasqua Yaqui Tribe and Cati Carmen for coordinating the 2003 run.
"We are grateful because we understand the amount of work and obstacles in sponsoring a run of this magnitude. The past runs were hosted in an effort to unify those who have a spiritual relationship with Mt. Graham and experienced the injustices of being kept away from sacred sites," said organizer of this year's run Wendsler Nosie.
For the past three years, it has been hosted by White Mountain, Apache, Cibecue and Pasqua Yaqui tribes full article
Children's diabetes:
Partnership to include three tribal health sites
By Jim Killackey
The Oklahoman
Disease targeted in Indians Three American Indian health centers in Oklahoma today begin a partnership with the OU Children's Physicians Diabetes Center to address the growing number of children and adolescents who have type 2 diabetes. Diabetes information
Oklahoma has one of the nation's highest rates of type 2 diabetes.
Although the clinical trial is open to every Oklahoma child with type 2 diabetes, American Indian children are especially targeted because of their high rates of the disease. About 120 patients are needed for the study.
Burgeoning problem
As many as 25 percent of Oklahoma's American Indians have diabetes, according to the state Health Department. The Indian Health Service reports a 68 percent increase from 1990 to 1998 in American Indian adolescents between 15 and 19.
The burgeoning health problem is a result of the growing number of children and adolescents who are overweight and don't get enough exercise, according to OU Children's Physicians.
During the study, OU's Dr. Kenneth Copeland will evaluate the effects of diabetes medications with and without intensive lifestyle intervention in patients 10 to 17. full article
Port Angeles: Paddle Journey pauses for song, prayer off graving yard archeological site today
PORT ANGELES -- The Paddle Journey of 21 Native American canoes trekking from Puget Sound to Vancouver Island pauses today to rest, repair some canoes and honor tribal ancestors.
Canoe skippers decided late Tuesday night -- just hours after the canoes landed at Hollywood Beach after a rigorous, five-hour pull from Jamestown -- that they will rest today in Port Angeles, then depart for Canada on Thursday, one day later than planned.
Several of the canoes will enter Port Angeles Harbor this afternoon to the site of the Hood Canal Bridge graving yard, where archeologists and Lower Elwha Klallam tribal members are excavating artifacts and remains from a 1,700-year-old Klallam village.
The land will then be turned into a huge onshore dry dock for the construction of floating-bridge components for the new east half of the Hood Canal Bridge, to be installed in 2007.
The canoeists will sing songs and say prayers for the ancestors, the community and the workers of the graving yard, said Frances G. Charles, Lower Elwha Klallam tribal chairwoman full article
Kickapoo trespassing trial date set for Aug. 13
By Ann Weaver
The Oklahoman
McLOUD - The trial date for three women charged with criminal trespassing for taking over a Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma administration building in January will be set Aug. 13.
Auchee Wahpepah, Valentina Jimenez and Glenda Deer were arrested by tribal police Jan. 2, ending their two-week occupation of the building about two miles north of McLoud off State Highway 102.
The women's pretrial hearing for the misdemeanor charge has been scheduled for 11 a.m. Aug. 13. Deer said a tribal judge will set a trial date after the hearing.
Deer said she and the others are prepared for trial. full article
Alcorn Braves logo a thing of the past
Associated Press
LORMAN, Miss. - Alcorn State University has stopped using its old logo featuring a profile of a Native American and may phase out the "Braves" mascot.
The new logo is a letter A with the word "Alcorn" written through it.
"There are national sensitivities toward Native American symbols, and there is a national movement toward this," Alcorn athletic director Robert Raines said. "Our administration felt it would probably a good idea for us to do this."
Raines said the decision came after a nationwide NCAA study on the matter and several years of discussion. Other schools such as Marquette, St. John's and Miami of Ohio have dropped old nicknames with Native American themes in favor of less-offensive generic nicknames and mascots. full article
Dems appeal to Indians: Get out the vote
Associated Press Writer
BOSTON -- Frank Lamere, chairman of the Democratic National Convention's Native American Caucus, is urging Indians to get out and do what some of his friends call "that white man's thing" -- vote.
With the prospect of a tight presidential race in November, Democrats are courting Indian country with vigor. And that, in itself, is a daunting prospect, given the fact that Indian voters are, literally, few and far between.
For example, the land occupied by the 250,000-member Navajo Nation, the largest tribe in the United States, covers more than 27,000 square miles in New Mexico, Arizona and Utah. Many of the farmers, sheepherders, and others who live scattered across the reservation -- an area larger than West Virginia -- don't have telephones or televisions and rely largely on local Navajo-language radio stations for news.
Some must travel as far as 35 miles over roads that can range from bumpy to bone-jarring in order to vote. full article
Association comes of age for Native American youth
It began with a handful of adults and 25 children, but now the organization serves 600 people and their families
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
From a church gymnasium to its own three-story building in North Portland, the Native American Youth Association has grown as the community has.
World War II work in the shipyards and the 1950s federal termination of tribes brought Native Americans from across the nation to Portland. In time, they realized the public school and social service systems weren't addressing young Native Americans' needs.
The Native American Youth Association started with a handful of adults and about 25 children. Today, it serves about 600 young people and their families with a budget of $1.3 million paid by grants and fund raising.
As the organization reaches its 30th anniversary next year, its name will change to the Native American Youth and Family Center. Nichole Maher, executive director, said the name change represents how the organization has expanded to provide domestic violence counseling for women, support for foster parents of Native American children and a forum to gather community elders. full article
Mallard stakes Treaty position
29 July 2004
Race Relations Minister Trevor Mallard has declared himself, and other Pakeha, indigenous New Zealanders along with all Maori.
Last night, in an unheralded speech entitled "We are all New Zealanders now", he defended the amount paid out in Treaty settlements and told all New Zealanders to "get over the bad past".
"Maori and Pakeha are both indigenous people to New Zealand now," he told Victoria University's Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies in Wellington. "I regard myself as an indigenous New Zealander – I come from Wainuiomata."
The speech is a significant positioning statement from the no-
nonsense Mr Mallard, who has been charged with reviewing Government policies so they are targeted on need, not on race.
It is a clear attempt to paint himself, and Labour, as representing the ordinary Pakeha who might feel their place in New Zealand is undermined – taking ownership of that position back from National.
But not all Maori will accept that Mr Mallard, who was born and bred in Wainuiomata, is indigenous like them. full article
Bone return consultation launched
Scientists fear collections of crucial scientific value will be lost forever
The UK government has launched a consultation document to consider the repatriation of human remains held in Britain to aboriginal groups.
Thousands of ancient human parts - from hair samples to whole skeletons - have been collected by UK museums.
The latest initiative will review the report issued last year by the Working Group on Human Remains.
It recommended scientists should seek out descendants for permission to hold on to body parts up to 500 years old.
Scientists would like to retain materials - some of them thousands of years old - because of what they can reveal about human origins and evolution, and the spread and development of disease.
But to indigenous groups, the collections are an affront to their customs and they claim many of the artefacts were effectively stolen by colonial explorers and hunters. full article
Split is more than skin deep in Bolivia
Miami Herald
SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia - Tall, blonde and thin, Maria René Antelo doesn't look like the stereotypical Bolivian, and perhaps that is why she is one of the country's top models.
Antelo is one of ''Las Magnificas,'' as the 35 similar-looking women of Bolivia's top modeling agency, based in this eastern lowlands city, are called.
But more than beauty, Las Magnificas symbolize the racial and political differences between the lighter-skinned Santa Cruz region and the mostly Indian regions of La Paz in Bolivia's western mountains -- differences that came to the fore in the national referendum 10 days ago on whether to export the country's huge natural gas reserves.
La Paz, the country's political capital, lies in the cold Andean region 12,000 feet above sea level that is home to increasingly restive Aymara and Quechua Indians who believe that the white elite has kept them from enjoying the benefits of Bolivia's natural resources.
Santa Cruz is the business capital, a hot and humid plains state that grew from 100,000 residents in 1950 to 2.1 million today, with entrepreneurs, oil men and large-scale soy farmers being its public face. full article
Iraq War Straining US-Turkey Ties
by Jim Lobe
While the image of the United States has sunk to an all-time low in the Arab world, the Iraq war has also had a devastating impact on U.S. ties to another predominantly Muslim power and one of Washington's closest and most strategically situated Cold War allies, Turkey, say experts just returned from the region.
Ties between Turkey and Israel – countries that have long considered themselves strategic allies against hostile Arab states – have also become deeply strained as a result of recent events, according to former U.S. ambassador in Ankara, Mark Parris, who also served for several years as the number two in the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv.
"There's been lots of news, and most of it is not good," he told a meeting Tuesday at the Nixon Center here, noting that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly referred to Israeli actions in Gaza and the West Bank as "state terrorism," an assessment that is now shared by 82 percent of the Turkish population, according to a recent poll cited by Zeyno Baran, director of the international security and energy program at the center. full article
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