Urgent support needed for Skwelkwek'welt
Action alert
Skwwelkwek'welt defenders will be traveling to Vancouver to represent
themselves during the Court hearing tomorrow. Court support is crucial to ensure that yet another building on Secwepemc Territories is not destroyed or bulldozed in blatant violation of Aboriginal Title and rights.
Friday Septemeber 3 @ 2 pm
Law Courts
800 Smithe Street
* Bring banners, placards and any recording (video/audio) equipment *
Sun Peaks is seeking an injunction and an enforcement order against the
Skwelkwek'welt Protection Center in the BC Supreme Court tomorrow. The
provincial government is not seeking the injuction or enforcement order
but they support Sun Peaks in trying to get the injunction and enforcement
This motion by Sun Peaks comes after the provincial government served a
Trespass Notice on the Skwelkwek'welt Protection Center on August 29,
though the province has not yet acted to enforce the Tresspass Notice.
According to Arthur Manuel, "I think they are hesistant to move on their
Trespass notice because of the legal soundness of our argument, in light
of the Haida Decision. They are looking for something like a fight or army clothing or something that they used in the past to justify not having to deal with the constitutional aspect of the Trespass Notice."
==> Other ways of supporting the Skwelkwek'welt defenders are outlined on the website (letter writing, food/financial donations etc). The website also has comprehensive media coverage (including audio and video) and a chronology of documents, press releases etc over the past few weeks.
Now that the Skwelkwek'welt defenders are building yet another permanent
structure off-reserve on traditional Secwepemc territories (adjacent to
Sun Peaks golf course) as an assertion of their inherent and legal
Aborginal Title, it is imperative that we continue to support this crucial struggle. The position of no more expansion is very clear. The courage of the defenders in physically establishing themselves on traditional territories despite all odds - police, government and corporate harrasment, and risk of arrest - continue to inspire us.
==> Please check the website for future support work and a public meeting/ discussion next week.
In struggle,
Land, Freedom, Decolonization Coalition
Land, Freedom, Decolonization Coalition is a network of groups and
individuals in Vancouver from Native Youth Movement, Native Solidarity
Network, No One is Illegal, Refugees Against Racial Profiling, South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy, Palestine Community Center,
Anti-Poverty Committee, International Solidarity Movement, Bus Riders
Union, South Asian Youth Alliance, Friends and Families of Mexican
Political Prisoners, Committee for Solidarity with Columbia, and others.
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